Fuel to the fire



Story in the local Minneapolis Paper

Pledges of job growth fall short at Coloplast
Article by: STEVE BRANDT , Star Tribune Updated: August 29, 2011 - 12:16 AM

Almost $4 million in public aid backed its Minneapolis facility, which has lost, not added, jobs.

Delivering his State of the City speech in 2009, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak stood in the gleaming North Side headquarters of Coloplast and promised that this city-supported private business would pay off in jobs for Minneapolis.

Rybak said the complex overlooking the Mississippi River would hold 500 corporate jobs, and the Danish medical products company would hire city residents, with a hefty share from the North Side.

Despite loans and tax relief from the city and state, the company has fallen short of the mayor's promises. Its headquarters workforce is less than half of what was projected, and that number is even fewer than the company it replaced on the site. Coloplast last week blamed the employment numbers on the worsening economy, but it also has been shipping manufacturing jobs overseas.

City leaders and staffers who supported the project say they expect the company to rebound and boost its hiring again.

City Council President Barb Johnson said the poor economy means that spending has ebbed on some of the more elective health devices that the company makes. Coloplast makes products ranging from catheters to continence products to penile implants.

"It'll come back," Johnson said of the company. Asked whether the city's investment was worth it, she responded: "Look at that stretch of the riverfront and how that development has changed things."

In 2006, Coloplast bought the urology division of Mentor Corp., the site's previous occupant, and then built a new $39 million facility on West River Road. The city provided a $2.94 million subsidy through tax-increment financing, which allows a company to divert much of its property-tax payments to paying off eligible development expenses. Overall public aid approached $4 million.

What a shock! Their downturn has nothing to do with the economy but with the retarded leadership who trashed millions of dollars in revenue with their "ingenious" business strategy!

A company can not grow with poor leadership. That article is just the beginning...
The current leadership is not retarded - but for the most part; clearly weak. Claus admits he is not an expert in the US market, therefore, his mistake is keeping the same genius who began this mess in Marietta. That person blames everyone in marketing for all the woes. It is getting old. OLD. That person began this mess several years ago, and now we are all paying the price for it. He has had more job titles than he is entitled to. He should take responsibly...after all...a real genius once said...if you keep doing the same experiment over and over again....

A company can not grow with poor leadership. That article is just the beginning...
The current leadership is not retarded - but for the most part; clearly weak. Claus admits he is not an expert in the US market, therefore, his mistake is keeping the same genius who began this mess in Marietta. That person blames everyone in marketing for all the woes. It is getting old. OLD. That person began this mess several years ago, and now we are all paying the price for it. He has had more job titles than he is entitled to. He should take responsibly...after all...a real genius once said...if you keep doing the same experiment over and over again....

Marietta ? Is there anyone left from Marietta ?

I worked for CP while they were in both Marietta and Minneapolis....

Sad to see the "progress" they've made in the last 5-7 years or so.

While some criticism can be made of the US Sales leadership - I think there are a lot of fingers that can be pointed to other parts of the US and Global leadership as well.

Knock knock.
Who is there?
GPO who?
GPO contracts are only as good as the paper they are written on.

Let's save our celebration for when our cracker jacks bring home exclusive agreements and true growth....not pulp fiction.

Anyone feel dizzy from running in circles?
Hopefully Denmark and Lars will realize how weak (ignorant) we look to the market; to our customers and competitors....When our President can't deliver the goods and fumbles over his hocus pocus numbers, this big house of cards is going to collapse once and for all.

How unfortunate.

Anyone feel dizzy from running in circles?
Hopefully Denmark and Lars will realize how weak (ignorant) we look to the market; to our customers and competitors....When our President can't deliver the goods and fumbles over his hocus pocus numbers, this big house of cards is going to collapse once and for all.

How unfortunate.

More like funny! I can't wait to say, "Told you so"!

Anyone feel dizzy from running in circles?
Hopefully Denmark and Lars will realize how weak (ignorant) we look to the market; to our customers and competitors....When our President can't deliver the goods and fumbles over his hocus pocus numbers, this big house of cards is going to collapse once and for all.

How unfortunate.

Yeah and when this "Danish" US President doesn't work out....they'll send another "Danish Hero" in to save the day.


Open your eyes...
They have already sent in their next HERO....
He ran commercial excellence & contracting...CLUELESS.
Now running master dealers...CLUELESS.
Once our current president's agenda fails, and it will...he will slide in.
Beware: He is a smiling assassin and we are all in his scope.

That makes sense.
Therefore, mastering PowerPoint and having no personality seem to be the only skill and quality that one needs in order to get promoted to senior management. Candidates with selling skills and product/market knowledge need not apply.

That makes sense.
Therefore, mastering PowerPoint and having no personality seem to be the only skill and quality that one needs in order to get promoted to senior management. Candidates with selling skills and product/market knowledge need not apply.

Pathetically true. Look at the 6'4" retarded director of acute. He NEVER made plan!!! The Dane's deserve the coming downfall for leaving a turd like him in his position. Way to go, Coloblast! Wait, was that my tail?!?!

Give me a break. It's not him, it's the gnome.
His huge ego, arrogance, and ignorance (perhaps in Danish DNA) will march all of us into unemployment. Guaranteed that another new comp plan and forecast is being drafted to save his career.