Fucking Backorders


Explain to me how we are supposed to hit our numbers when EVERYTHING is on back-order? We're expected to drive the number! But sorry, the products you need most are not available. Gee, I wonder if they will adjust our quota? Ridiculous.

quit your bitching back orders hurt the company also

Exactly. You really think that it's the company that is creating backorders? It's often the supplier of the products we use to make our products. Not saying they're right or fun to deal with but look at any other company and they go through the same thing.

quit your bitching back orders hurt the company also

you are obviously not a rep in the field, this is clear. If you were, you would be extremely upset as well because this is affecting your livelihood and income and the worst part about it is that its out of YOUR control. We as reps have enough stress worrying bout numbers this is something the company should have had worked out, ITS THEIR JOB! Say what you want about the company is hurting also, most reps could give a shit less about the company because it's obvious most companies don't give a shit about us. We care about OUR business, what makes US money.

bottom line is it's a company's obligation to give the rep's the tools to succeed and having numerous backorders (as the OP states) is not accomplishing that.

btw, i do not even work for Convidien but i have dealt with B/O's plenty and i can say Doc's will only be patient for so long before they look elsewhere for more RELIABLE rep's, products, corporate management, etc...... so have fun telling your wife, mortgage broker, kids, bank, accountant that "my company is hurting too".....tell me how that goes for ya

Exactly. You really think that it's the company that is creating backorders? It's often the supplier of the products we use to make our products. Not saying they're right or fun to deal with but look at any other company and they go through the same thing.

Of course blame the suppliers standard cop out for poor planning and mismanagement. I suppose Covidien is totally helpless, blameless and at the mercy of their suppliers. What a joke. The decisions that Covidien makes are the root cause of any backorders. How many of your outages were created because your supply chain group decided to move components from a local supplier to one that has a "global footprint" I bet it looked really impressive on some slide one of your dipshit diaper collecting supply chain directors presented to your executives.

Of course blame the suppliers standard cop out for poor planning and mismanagement. I suppose Covidien is totally helpless, blameless and at the mercy of their suppliers. What a joke. The decisions that Covidien makes are the root cause of any backorders. How many of your outages were created because your supply chain group decided to move components from a local supplier to one that has a "global footprint" I bet it looked really impressive on some slide one of your dipshit diaper collecting supply chain directors presented to your executives.

Apparently you weren't here when it was much worse so save us all your pissing and moaning because I bet you have no idea how bad it could be. But please enlighten us Captain Conspiracy, with all your infinite wisdom as to why any company would want to intentionally go on backorder? Do you think Covidien is the only organization with backorders? If so, how did someone with your genius intellect decide to work for a company with so many fuck-ups? Like you, I'm a rep, not inside forecasting production, and while frustrating, you work through it.

I really hope it isn't the wonderful tri-stapler on backorder!! That thing is a joke, only one row of staples actually makes a correct staple formation. Let me guess, next the company is going to put duet strips on the tri-stapler to keep the bleeding at a non-lifethreatening level?? Never seen so many used car salesmen work for one company!!

LOL, Ethicon rep is pissed we're taking there business. You're retarded if you think only one row is forming correctly. We aren't you, we don't under/over crimp our staples.

Actually...it's not really hurting the company (and by company, I mean shareholders). The number of backorders has gone up significantly in the last 6 months, and the stock price has gone from 39 to 46 in about the same time period. Love this Focus bucket though that is 20% of our comp when 75% of the products have been on backorder since the launch date. Good stuff. I'm sure they'll rectify the situation by telling us at the NSM that they are going to be all over the backorder situation in FY12....which will obviously be enough.

And to the pee brain Ethicon rep...is that what the suits in Cincinnati are telling you to say this week? That's pretty weak....which incidentally, is what you CAN'T be if you intend to fire an Echelon without giving yourself a hernia. Here's what I tell my surgeons. How can you work with a company that took 15 years to come out with an articulating 60mm stapler? And when they finally did, the only way to do it is by pushing it up against the abdominal wall, or the closest organ? When you say it out loud like that, it really is pretty embarassing, right? And yeah, let's not use tissue reinforcement on thick tissue. Better yet, let's sit in a case and watch the scrub tech load seamguard on an Echelon. That makes way more sense. Listen, we clearly have more innovative products (except for your new open gia, b/c open procedures are the future of MIS), and we can rattle them off....Endo stitch, OrVil, EEA, SILS Port, SILS Hand Instruments, Hem Stapler, and TWO full generations of Endo Staplers. You got us on smudge-free Trocars though. Good for you. Now stop reading this and go sell your variable tissue range....because THAT makes sense.

Anyways....backorders do fucking suck. This job is a nightmare right now.

LOL, Ethicon rep is pissed we're taking there business. You're retarded if you think only one row is forming correctly. We aren't you, we don't under/over crimp our staples.

Umm, if that's how you're selling against EES, that's a terrible way to do it. I'm a Covidien rep and I know this technology is junk. If we don't over/under crimp our staples, then how do you explain why none of any of our other stapler devices in our entire catalog have the same technology? Are you saying that our GIA and TA staplers over/under crimp staples? How do you explain that the entire basis of stapling is thrown out the window for our tri-staple?

And to the pee brain Ethicon rep...is that what the suits in Cincinnati are telling you to say this week? That's pretty weak....which incidentally, is what you CAN'T be if you intend to fire an Echelon without giving yourself a hernia. Here's what I tell my surgeons. How can you work with a company that took 15 years to come out with an articulating 60mm stapler? And when they finally did, the only way to do it is by pushing it up against the abdominal wall, or the closest organ? When you say it out loud like that, it really is pretty embarassing, right? And yeah, let's not use tissue reinforcement on thick tissue. Better yet, let's sit in a case and watch the scrub tech load seamguard on an Echelon. That makes way more sense. Listen, we clearly have more innovative products (except for your new open gia, b/c open procedures are the future of MIS), and we can rattle them off....Endo stitch, OrVil, EEA, SILS Port, SILS Hand Instruments, Hem Stapler, and TWO full generations of Endo Staplers. You got us on smudge-free Trocars though. Good for you. Now stop reading this and go sell your variable tissue range....because THAT makes sense.

Wow, someone from our company is drinking the from the fountain of Kool-Aid at a maximum volume. C'mon, you honestly believe what you typed above and that's how you're selling against our competitors. I've been around long enough to at least respect EES. Let's be honest their stuff works and it isn't falling apart on the scrub table. Here's a few questions in response to your articulation question for your surgeons...Why would you work with a company (us) that hasn't been the marketshare leader in 15+ years? Why would you work with a company that pushes our Endo-GIA 60 that goes against the basic foundation of stapling (pre-compression of tissue)? All of our open devices use precompression and even some of our older models of Endo-GIA but guess which one doesn't? That's right but ignore that and let's talk about articulation. You're going to use EEA as a sign of innovation? Really? Sils is a niche product at best, same with Orvil. They're good products but they're not setting the world on fire either, regardless of what corporate tells us.

By the way, EES also has two generations of endo-staplers as well. Their ETS line and their Echelon line. If you're going to rip our competition at least know what products they have in their bag.

I'm sure I'll get insulted for my post but I've been around long enough to know that I better respect my competitors and their products, be as knowledgeable about them as my competitors, and filter through the BS of my company's Kool-Aid.

Has there ever been a lower point than now? The entire catalog is on backorder. Numbers aren't correct. Sales trackers are inaccurate and out-of-date. Account numbers are in flux, causing confusion and pandemonium. Focus bucket is unattainable - see backorders. iavenue remains prehistoric and barely functional. Pricing continues to be out of touch with competitive marketplace. Wheres the light at the end of the tunnel? Is there an app for that on our ipads?

Has there ever been a lower point than now? The entire catalog is on backorder. Numbers aren't correct. Sales trackers are inaccurate and out-of-date. Account numbers are in flux, causing confusion and pandemonium. Focus bucket is unattainable - see backorders. iavenue remains prehistoric and barely functional. Pricing continues to be out of touch with competitive marketplace. Wheres the light at the end of the tunnel? Is there an app for that on our ipads?

Iavenue? Company is so behind, the idiots that run that thing should be fired.