Fuck the ET... Back pedaling on the office opening


Oh you mean the fucking prima-donnas that have to be compensated for wiping their asses so they don’t offend hcps office staff with their shit smell

NNI field is a joke

Lol… you mean he filed that is constantly whining about being tracked, forced to do their job, not getting a new car, lol….

I wish you he worse thing I had to worry about was how many miles I had on my company car or being tracked make sure I was actually doing my job

Hey OP… apparently this idiot doesn’t actually know that everyone beside you and couple of guys from India are all field reps complaining about thier jobs, who’s fucking who, who knocked up who, how bad their manager is or how bad they have it

Y’all in home office have been sitting on your ass at home for the better part of two years making yourselves look busy on zoom while we’ve been keeping the company afloat, risking our lives and our family’s lives. Now you’re bitching that you have to get a shot in the arm and show up for work TWO MONTHS FROM NOW. A job that involves being able to Google the names of vendors so you can outsource whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing yourself.

Give me a fucking break.

Y’all in home office have been sitting on your ass at home for the better part of two years making yourselves look busy on zoom while we’ve been keeping the company afloat, risking our lives and our family’s lives. Now you’re bitching that you have to get a shot in the arm and show up for work TWO MONTHS FROM NOW. A job that involves being able to Google the names of vendors so you can outsource whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing yourself.

Give me a fucking break.

This is a bit dramatic. I’m a DCS and it’s a HUGE stretch to say we have been in the field risking our lives and lives of our families.

This is a bit dramatic. I’m a DCS and it’s a HUGE stretch to say we have been in the field risking our lives and lives of our families.
Well, maybe you don’t live in a state where the virus has hit hard or know anyone who has died. I have no problems doing my job and I’m glad to, but these HO folks have been doing zilch for almost 2 years and wanna complain about having to return to the office when we’ve been out there busting pretty much the entire time.

Well, maybe you don’t live in a state where the virus has hit hard or know anyone who has died. I have no problems doing my job and I’m glad to, but these HO folks have been doing zilch for almost 2 years and wanna complain about having to return to the office when we’ve been out there busting pretty much the entire time.