FU Burton

For your next career in Big Pharma please buy a new blue blazer.

You have worn the same outfit for 10+ years, you cheapskate.

After raping the company of at least 25 Million dinero, you could buy a freaking suit instead of the Joe Banks, off the rack.

For your next career in Big Pharma please buy a new blue blazer.

You have worn the same outfit for 10+ years, you cheapskate.

After raping the company of at least 25 Million dinero, you could buy a freaking suit instead of the Joe Banks, off the rack.

His tacky couture is shocking for a gay guy.

Ahhhhh nice try Scotty boy on today’s Diversity AHOD call, you were so animated and seemed very engaged and genuine!! NOT
Todays call made me work on being diverse. I talked jive to a homeless brother, smoke em peace pipe over lunch while drinking a slurpee, roofed my house while listening to music from “my country”. Finally, I nagged somebody for 2 hours while doing housework. I’m much more well rounded now!

Todays call made me work on being diverse. I talked jive to a homeless brother, smoke em peace pipe over lunch while drinking a slurpee, roofed my house while listening to music from “my country”. Finally, I nagged somebody for 2 hours while doing housework. I’m much more well rounded now!
Really don't appreciate your racist post!!

Really don't appreciate your racist post!!

Has anyone else noticed the more "diverse" Gilead gets the more the stock price sinks? This company is focused on jerking off government paid minorities and gheys more than getting the job done with the rest of their customers. Toxic. all about the optics.

They just hired the following reps
Hemorrhoid Hitman
Anal Assassin
Pilot Of The Chocolate Runway
Pickle kisser
Crap Packer Pusher
Rump Humper
Rump Pumper
Rump Thumper
Salsa Queen
Sausage Jockey

Todays call made me work on being diverse. I talked jive to a homeless brother, smoke em peace pipe over lunch while drinking a slurpee, roofed my house while listening to music from “my country”. Finally, I nagged somebody for 2 hours while doing housework. I’m much more well rounded now!