FTC is sending surveys to DNA testing labs to investigate bid rigging and anti-competitive activities of certain laboratories (can you guess which one(s)). This will probably delay and perhaps block LabCorp takeover of Orchid Cellmark. Why haven't these 2 companies reported this government action as they are required to by law (public reporting requirements by the SEC)? It appears highly unlikely that LabCorp will complete it's tender by June 15 if this is true. Are they negotiating with the FTC? Won't this merger create a monopoly for LabCorp in this domain? Has LabCorp been involved in hiring government officials involved in DNA testing in select states, perhaps as an effort to get business (smacks of old-fashioned cronyism, if it's true)? Why is teh California Attorney General's office involved in this FTC investigation? Lots of questions-- what are the answers?