I agree! Sounds like the driving force behind GI will be the Forest GI team. They basically told the actavis GI sales team that they would have other opportunities with other divisions. I'm taking that to mean we are basically safe

FSR1 rep here. I can get a job at any company, device, pharma, biotech or whatever, if things don't work out here. All I need to do is show them my closet full of Green Jackets and I get respect immediately. You lowly territory reps will have a tough time because everyone knows specialty drives the business. Now get me my coffee and don't waste my Drs time with your shitty detailing skills.

Mr Green Jacket

FSR1 rep here. I can get a job at any company, device, pharma, biotech or whatever, if things don't work out here. All I need to do is show them my closet full of Green Jackets and I get respect immediately. You lowly territory reps will have a tough time because everyone knows specialty drives the business. Now get me my coffee and don't waste my Drs time with your shitty detailing skills.

Mr Green Jacket

I hope you get that chance.

FSR1 rep here. I can get a job at any company, device, pharma, biotech or whatever, if things don't work out here. All I need to do is show them my closet full of Green Jackets and I get respect immediately. You lowly territory reps will have a tough time because everyone knows specialty drives the business. Now get me my coffee and don't waste my Drs time with your shitty detailing skills.

Mr Green Jacket

Forest has 250 fsr1 positions, they have to be cutting the number of territories. I know FSR1 reps with only 15-20 GI's on their call panel, the rest are PCP. Doesn't make sense to pay someone to sell these specialized GI drugs and spend most of their time in PCP clinics...100-150 GI territoties sound more like it. Hope your Green Jacket saves you.