FRMs Get Paid More GTFOH


Heard this piece of news last week. Lots of leadership turnover but have remaining "leaders" lost their damn minds?? So many FRMs have lost scripts, pissed off offices, ruined relationships reps had, and couldn't pull through a script if they had a manual. So this group actually has cost company $$$$ for not doing their job but get paid way more and are considered experts or higher up than TMs. GTFOH!

Heard this piece of news last week. Lots of leadership turnover but have remaining "leaders" lost their damn minds?? So many FRMs have lost scripts, pissed off offices, ruined relationships reps had, and couldn't pull through a script if they had a manual. So this group actually has cost company $$$$ for not doing their job but get paid way more and are considered experts or higher up than TMs. GTFOH!

Don’t hate us because you ain’t us

Heard this piece of news last week. Lots of leadership turnover but have remaining "leaders" lost their damn minds?? So many FRMs have lost scripts, pissed off offices, ruined relationships reps had, and couldn't pull through a script if they had a manual. So this group actually has cost company $$$$ for not doing their job but get paid way more and are considered experts or higher up than TMs. GTFOH!

We get paid more because we cover all the franchises not just yours. I spend 50% of my time dealing with Levulan billing and delivery issues. We have very complex responsibilities and I must say that the Ilumya team is by far the biggest bunch of cry babies out there. Creating relationships at these key offices will take years but you want results now? You are delusional! I’m also responsible for developing advocacy which is even more difficult. Simply stated my position is far more complex versus a rep role of detailing MDs. Sorry to tell you boys.

Heard this piece of news last week. Lots of leadership turnover but have remaining "leaders" lost their damn minds?? So many FRMs have lost scripts, pissed off offices, ruined relationships reps had, and couldn't pull through a script if they had a manual. So this group actually has cost company $$$$ for not doing their job but get paid way more and are considered experts or higher up than TMs. GTFOH!

the FRM killed Ilumya. And Sun leadership paid them nicely to do it. FRM= Fundamentally removed money ... from the TMs they were hired to assist.