Friday is the big day


To all of you folks still at Amarin, of few of you who are my friends, I wish you no harm. For the rest of you lowlife scum, I hope all the money you invested in Joe Z's big lie, gets washed down the drain on Friday.

I bought all the hype, sold quite a bit of Vascepa in my territory and was rewarded with a pink slip.

Yes, I am bitter. No job in sight, Amarin on my resume makes me look like a putz and to be quite honest, I am embarrassed to have been part of this fiasco.

I hope it comes tumbling down on Friday.

To all of you folks still at Amarin, of few of you who are my friends, I wish you no harm. For the rest of you lowlife scum, I hope all the money you invested in Joe Z's big lie, gets washed down the drain on Friday.

I bought all the hype, sold quite a bit of Vascepa in my territory and was rewarded with a pink slip.

Yes, I am bitter. No job in sight, Amarin on my resume makes me look like a putz and to be quite honest, I am embarrassed to have been part of this fiasco.

I hope it comes tumbling down on Friday.

Whiner!!! If you had rocked it out with Vascepa Rx's, you would still have a job.

Whiner!!! If you had rocked it out with Vascepa Rx's, you would still have a job.

Not true. Some very high performers were let go. Those "other factors" were a lot of gray area that will never be revealed that let them do what they wanted. I was kept on, which is all the more reason for me to get the hell out of here before this company does permanent damage to my career path. I have a couple offers that came my way the past few days and I cannot wait to purge this company out of my mind.

Bottom line is this: if you are still here, is this any type of company that you would want to be a part of? Take a look around you. The leadership here is the threshold of the most vile corporate behavior this side of Enron and Tyco.

Out there on the interviewing circuit, this company gets a lot of head shakes as a result of the borderline criminal behavior of JZ. AB has to have about the worst corporate reputation that is humanly possible. Not just Reliant, either. This dude has a list of people who can barely say his name that spans at least 5 companies he has never worked for. I can see why they brought him in now that I see the real culture here. I hope the company completely tanks before he sheds his skin and makes a mess on the carpet.

There is no future here. It didn't matter how well you sold Vascepa. This place is corrupt and only the people in HQ deserve the karmic bitchslap that is sure to come from this debacle.

That is right. I sold more than some entire districts and was let go. There were people that sold more than me and were let go. It did not matter on performance, but folks with other companies look at us like we are idiots for taking the job.

I wish them a HORRIBLE day tomorrow.

That is right. I sold more than some entire districts and was let go. There were people that sold more than me and were let go. It did not matter on performance, but folks with other companies look at us like we are idiots for taking the job.

I wish them a HORRIBLE day tomorrow.

:^} :>) :) :p ;v] ;-O :^| :-d :' ) ;' } B^}
That's how ww all feel...

And yet we control you on an hourly basis - reports, logging of call, samples,
We do our best to suck the life out of you and throw you away the minute your energy
starts to fade.

As stated before we in management are disgusted by the salesforce, and only put up with their behavior as it suits our needs

And yet we control you on an hourly basis - reports, logging of call, samples,
We do our best to suck the life out of you and throw you away the minute your energy
starts to fade.

As stated before we in management are disgusted by the salesforce, and only put up with their behavior as it suits our needs

You have no control over me, I work for a great company now! Nice try super fly. Hahahahahahahahahahbahababbabhababbababha ha.
I got the last laugh.

And yet we control you on an hourly basis - reports, logging of call, samples,
We do our best to suck the life out of you and throw you away the minute your energy
starts to fade.

As stated before we in management are disgusted by the salesforce, and only put up with their behavior as it suits our needs

Merry Christmas to you, I'd start doing some deep soul searching if I were in management.