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Med device is becoming pharma. Plan your exit strategy now. If you have been in for 8 years or longer you get what I'm saying. If you new(er) this is all it will be. Don't bank on that raise next year when u hit ur numbers....ur manager is lying.

Med device is becoming pharma. Plan your exit strategy now. If you have been in for 8 years or longer you get what I'm saying. If you new(er) this is all it will be. Don't bank on that raise next year when u hit ur numbers....ur manager is lying.

What do you mean? Other Med device companies don't make you log calls? Or do account designations then rake you over the coals if you don't call on your A or B accounts enough? Hmmmm

What do you mean? Other Med device companies don't make you log calls? Or do account designations then rake you over the coals if you don't call on your A or B accounts enough? Hmmmm
Actually, if you work on straight commission, you shouldn't be asking any questions about how a rep spends his time. You live by the numbers or you die by the numbers. Compensation determines behavior: if you want to hire fiction writers, pay them a salary and tell them they need to fill out a form showing where they spent their time. If you want salesmen, give them dirt, a quota, and a rate and get out of their way. To quote the guy from Mitch and Murray downtown: "nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you, go home and play with your kids." That's the game for grown ups. It ain't pretty but it works.