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And it only gets better next year with volume based payouts! After 18 months, it does not level out. It never balances. The free beneficiaries widen their lead, rankings, and commissions always putting original account holders at a disadvantage! Never seen anything like it. We are reminded weekly with 867 and weekly rankings report. DEMOTIVATING
The district emails falsely congratulating the new territory weekly sales record or the first one in growth vials is getting old when its the free account beneficiary.
Most important: sincere congrats to all who have truly earned their growth vials and high growth in sales. You really have my respect! Sorry the current ranking system may take away from all you have accomplished.
Happy New Year
You got free volume boosting you into early growth vials = bigger commissions
You got free volume quarter over quarter with more added accounts to gain from = bigger com
You got free jumps in the ranking report confirming all the = bigger commissions
You got free stock options confirming the rankings confirming the = bigger commissions
And it only gets better next year with volume based payouts! After 18 months, it does not level out. It never balances. The free beneficiaries widen their lead, rankings, and commissions always putting original account holders at a disadvantage! Never seen anything like it. We are reminded weekly with 867 and weekly rankings report. DEMOTIVATING
The district emails falsely congratulating the new territory weekly sales record or the first one in growth vials is getting old when its the free account beneficiary.
Most important: sincere congrats to all who have truly earned their growth vials and high growth in sales. You really have my respect! Sorry the current ranking system may take away from all you have accomplished.
Happy New Year