Franklin Covey

How much longer can these weekly conference calls last? No one seems to want to ask the sales force how effective this is. What a waste of productivity.

Franklin Covey is awesome! Their whole key was process efficiency and 'noise' or whirlwind minimalization...and all it has done is the exact opposite! AND, we're s t i l l doing it!

Why do we HAVE management if outside firms are telling us what to do? Isn't there now a VP or two who could disappear and not be noticed?

Writing checks. How else would Franklin Covey, McKinsey, In/no/sight, Deloitte, BCG, Booze Allen Hamilton, Oliver Wyman, ZS, Trium Group, IBM, Cognizant, In-Sync, Ventiv, Grey, BI, Draft, et al. be paid?

Franklin Covey may work in a corporate setting. But when you require sales reps to take an hour out of the field every week to sit on a call to discuss nonsense, this really makes no sense. This on top of all of the conference calls that we must take time to participate on (champ calls, brand calls, district calls, directors council, etc). Does the company want us to sell or to sit on the phone all day. Can somebody wake up?