Fox News finally gets one right

According the geniuses at FNC, Perry is almost toast. All of the hype from the evangelicals and teabaggers are not enough to save his sorry butt from his own stupidity.
In reality, right wing conservatism is dead, Perry, Bawwkman, Santorum all are finished, like the song says "and another one bites the dust" Good!!!!

It's all going to come down to more Tea Party Senators and Congressmen, which is a very likely scenario in 2012. They then have to keep the President, probably a republic, in line. The big story next year will be the number of incumbent challenges in the primaries.

It's all going to come down to more Tea Party Senators and Congressmen, which is a very likely scenario in 2012. They then have to keep the President, probably a republic, in line. The big story next year will be the number of incumbent challenges in the primaries.

I'm all for that. I dig it and the cool thing is - those budget cuts won't leave enough room to send the goon squads out after people who smoke a weed that grows wild or take care of their body if they have an unwanted pregnancy or want to marry a same sex partner. We can concentrate on other shit like why do we coddle prisoners who stay alive 18 years after killing someone and closing the fucking borders so we aren't handing out free services to illegal immigrants - some real conservative issues instead of this Boy Scout Troop shit.
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