Four Pt. Performance Ranking on its way -- Watch out!!


A colleague's team just went to training on the new FOUR POINT performance evaluation system for 2013. This has new risk for employees of JNJ.

This means:
-- Larger increments between levels of performance. This means it will be HARDER to show improvement year over year;
-- Extraordinary leaps that are subject to totally subjective judgements will be required to change your ranking in some cases. Be sure your PDM is ACHIEVABLE (HINT-- most PDMS are not doable or realistic....people sign for too much and bosses in JNJ DONT COACH well)
-- JNJs FORCED CURVE will be DEADLY when combined with four points. 4=sainthood or you are otherwise ready for promotion (not an evaluation of your current job performance); 3= "ready for promotion soon" also not a measure of how well you do your current job, 2 = you will never be promoted formerly called READY LATER and READY FOR THE LAYOFF LIST IF WE NEED NAMES LIST, and 1=corporate death

MOST PEOPLE will be forced into ranking 2 or 1. IT is part of the JNJ implementation of the Jack Welch -move 'em up or out school of thought.

DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT and then plan appropriately.

Sad but true. God forbid someone enjoys what they do. Successful or not, if you are not moving forward you are viewed by j&j as complacent and not a mover and shaker. Some people just don't want to be a manager, period. Plus after witnessing all of these ass clowns first hand, I don't think they really wanted to be a manager themselves. Be careful, ALWAYS ask your mgr for developmental opps that can you added to your yearly, NEVER sign for anything you don't believe you deserve. If you have good numbers and can document your contributions you will succeed. Be the one that the manager wants to support - read that as play the game.

I work at a Pharma company that has been on the 4 point (or levels) system. As soon as it was live...reps were being pushed out like crazy. It is a documented way for certain reps to be let go.

Also, that is one small reason I am researching J&J...well it looks like a solid company but the 4 scale is scary. It has been hell.

Good Luck!