Former Propecia Sales Reps


Still clinging to life on this melting iceberg. I was happy. Today, not so much.

Why didn't the Propecia warning label carry the risk of persistent side effects until recently?

To the other poster, the risk of gynecomastia (man boobs) still isn't even on the warning label for Propecia. Do you know why this is? Unfortunately this condition almost never goes away on its own without surgery.

Why didn't the Propecia warning label carry the risk of persistent side effects until recently?

To the other poster, the risk of gynecomastia (man boobs) still isn't even on the warning label for Propecia. Do you know why this is? Unfortunately this condition almost never goes away on its own without surgery.

Could it be Propecia is only 1 mg of finasteride once a day while Proscar is 5 mg once a day?

If you are old enough your doctor can prescribe generic finasteride 5 mg for your BPH and save you a few bucks.

LOL. try working out at the gym. I promise that will resolve your manboobs

No it won't. Propecia can cause gynecomastia or actual breast tissue to form in your chest. Working out can burn off fat, but this isn't fat. Do a quick web search.

Why did it take so many years to put some kind of warning for irreversible sexual side effects on the Propecia label. There were thousands of reports of this online for a long time but the warning label said they reverse if you stop taking the drug. I certainly don't care about my hair enough to risk my sex life permanently.

This sounds like a posting from a scumbag lawyer trolling for info

Nope, not a lawyer. Just starting to lose some hair and wanted to know why the label changed after the medication was being sold for so many years. Do any of the reps have an answer to this or know when the side effects became an issue?

Nope, not a lawyer. Just starting to lose some hair and wanted to know why the label changed after the medication was being sold for so many years. Do any of the reps have an answer to this or know when the side effects became an issue?

Ask the Wolfman on his thread. I bet he takes 50mg of Propecia to grow all of that hair.

Seriously, trolling cafepharma will not result in answers. Ask a physician. Side effect data in a PI does not necessarily represent a causal relationship.

I'm not trolling... I took Propecia a few years ago before there was any warning and boom, I have had broad sexual dysfunction since. At the time, I asked my doctor and he just went off of what was on the label. I have since seen doctors that recognize Propecia causes permanent side effects but they have no idea how to treat it. This is easily the worst thing to happen to me in my entire life.

I just find it so hard to believe human beings would be able to hide this information for personal material gain while innocent customers have their lives ruined. I was hoping one of you would have some information about how and why this happened.

No it won't. Propecia can cause gynecomastia or actual breast tissue to form in your chest. Working out can burn off fat, but this isn't fat. Do a quick web search.

Why did it take so many years to put some kind of warning for irreversible sexual side effects on the Propecia label. There were thousands of reports of this online for a long time but the warning label said they reverse if you stop taking the drug. I certainly don't care about my hair enough to risk my sex life permanently.

Seriously, you have to do weight training. I've been on this product for years and have no man boobs. Weights will solve it. Do that and you won't have issues. Also, don't believe everything you see on a web search.

Seriously, you have to do weight training. I've been on this product for years and have no man boobs. Weights will solve it. Do that and you won't have issues. Also, don't believe everything you see on a web search.

If manboobs are a problem I have a solution. 1. Don't eat butter. 2. Drink home made lemonade. Both of these things will decrease grease and fat. Good luck.

If manboobs are a problem I have a solution. 1. Don't eat butter. 2. Drink home made lemonade. Both of these things will decrease grease and fat. Good luck.

How do you not understand this? 'Manboobs' caused by Propecia are not fat, they are actual breast tissue found in females. Working out will reduce fat, but Propecia does not cause you to get fat. The side effect caused by Propecia is permanent and will not go away without surgery.