Former PDT Manager

Oh man, this guy was one of the biggest morons I've ever met. He fell asleep in just about every single meeting I saw him in. He was a real bastard to the reps that were under him because he was afraid they would steal his job. I remember that one guy that was the product manager for Carafate, he destroyed his career at Axcan because he knew he was a real threat to his job.

This guy was clueless about Photofrin and a really terrible leader.

I recently had my five year departure anniversary from reporting to the manager in question. Time goes by fast and life's too short to hold a grudge or hard feelings. I hope Brad H has learned his lesson and moved on to greener pastures. I believe all his former PDT reps have done well since departing. Sadly, should he continue his dishonest ways, he'll fall face down on the ground again.

Does anyone know what has become of Brad? Just curious.

Now he’s at Payless shoes .... also heard he did a commercial for a bowel prep as well as a disposable dousche...and was fired during the shoot cause he kept falling asleep

Now he’s at Payless shoes .... also heard he did a commercial for a bowel prep as well as a disposable dousche...and was fired during the shoot cause he kept falling asleep

I wonder what's up with Brad these days. Does anyone know if he's still in the industry. He's 62 years old. Perhaps he's retired, living off the Photofrin investment he made with Guillermo Herrera.