former novartis rep


Sorry to hear the news about tekturna studies; unfortunate it will hurt the sales reps not some of the douche bag execs. Anyway, I launched tekturna and would love to be a part of any lawsuit that would bring to light the BS novartis made us do in regards to the sales pitch, etc during launch while using pips and other threatening management styles to enforce it. Anyone know of law firms working with novartis reps?


Sorry to hear the news about tekturna studies; unfortunate it will hurt the sales reps not some of the douche bag execs. Anyway, I launched tekturna and would love to be a part of any lawsuit that would bring to light the BS novartis made us do in regards to the sales pitch, etc during launch while using pips and other threatening management styles to enforce it. Anyone know of law firms working with novartis reps?

Yes, I do.