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Former Merckie is Ashamed


This former Merckie is amused at a few old turds who never accepted that the old boy network would fall in time. The decline of Merck followed the decline of other lesser pharma companies. When good science and research are trumped by "messaging" in this industry, it's over.

The downfall had nothing to do with hiring women or minorities. Old and younger white males were at the helm when the bottom started dropping out. When no one at the top cared that Merck was falling lower and lower every year on the Fortune Most Admired list, it signaled that short-term profit replaced long-term investment.

Just take the money and run---a race to the bottom.


People put in positions that shouldnt be. Women promoted not based on talent but on having certain genitals. Women and minorities have ruined this company.

This is sad but true. The only demographic that can be judged on talent and output are white males. During layoffs, they carry the weight as well. Lets face it minorities are pretty much guaranteed a free ride these days as long as the show up and put their 7 1/2 hours in.

I know people will recoil in phony horror as they read this because they think thats what society want to hear and that it is the expected thing to do, but they have their head in the sand.

The downfall had nothing to do with hiring women or minorities. Old and younger white males were at the helm when the bottom started dropping out. When no one at the top cared that Merck was falling lower and lower every year on the Fortune Most Admired list, it signaled that short-term profit replaced long-term investment.

Right on the money

This former Merckie is amused at a few old turds who never accepted that the old boy network would fall in time. The decline of Merck followed the decline of other lesser pharma companies. When good science and research are trumped by "messaging" in this industry, it's over.

The downfall had nothing to do with hiring women or minorities. Old and younger white males were at the helm when the bottom started dropping out. When no one at the top cared that Merck was falling lower and lower every year on the Fortune Most Admired list, it signaled that short-term profit replaced long-term investment.

Just take the money and run---a race to the bottom.

Very well stated. We went from a science-driven to a messaging company. We once were proud of our science-driven style and laughed at Pfizer's emphasis on marketing. Then we became just like Pfizer but not as too good in copying them either. Now we practice swagger over knowing your reprints.

Very well stated. We went from a science-driven to a messaging company. We once were proud of our science-driven style and laughed at Pfizer's emphasis on marketing. Then we became just like Pfizer but not as too good in copying them either. Now we practice swagger over knowing your reprints.

What reprints?

Re: True

This is sad but true. The only demographic that can be judged on talent and output are white males. During layoffs, they carry the weight as well. Lets face it minorities are pretty much guaranteed a free ride these days as long as the show up and put their 7 1/2 hours in.

I know people will recoil in phony horror as they read this because they think thats what society want to hear and that it is the expected thing to do, but they have their head in the sand.

I am not a Merck employee, but it was evident that minority hires and promotions were based on skin color and not skills at my company. The true example came during mass layoffs. Entrie division were sent packing minus the minority hires and promotions.
When asked about the issue behind closed doors, it was said that legal did not want the hassle and it looked better on paper. I am for the best person getting the job, I do not care what color you are, but when you have to send a minority RD hire out of state for 6 weeks of private tutoring related to reading and writing something is dead wrong with process.

Re: True

This is sad but true. The only demographic that can be judged on talent and output are white males. During layoffs, they carry the weight as well. Lets face it minorities are pretty much guaranteed a free ride these days as long as the show up and put their 7 1/2 hours in.

I know people will recoil in phony horror as they read this because they think thats what society want to hear and that it is the expected thing to do, but they have their head in the sand.

FYI Merck probably is overzealous in the affirmative action as many corporations are. But I can assure you several of my former colleagues: Asians and Hispanics, were forced out using exactly the same tactics because they have been around for awhile (higher pay and seniority). PIP is color blind when the management wants to reduce expenses. One literally went berserk thanks to one of the managers than pioneered and perfected the legal way in "managing people out".

When I joined Merck in the early 80's we were 90% Caucasian and most reps had been with the company for 20-30 years. We then had another problem. We had tons of "exec reps" who were computer illiterate and borderline senile. Merck was very kind to them. They made no sense at meetings and were really out of touch. Eventually they all retired.

Was that good or bad?

Yeh, they did not have computers then, hense they would be computer illiterate if not trained..I was there in the 80s too..some representatives should have been helped to retire earlier...however they also had some great sales people too!
Yes there were bad promotions to manager because they needed women and minorities in management. Some come to the forefront of my mind.... But if You don't have many "minorities", you have to discriminate to get "balance". Not right or wrong. Where are the LGBT...we don't have "them" promoted to managers. I a g

Yeh, they did not have computers then, hense they would be computer illiterate if not trained..I was there in the 80s too..some representatives should have been helped to retire earlier...however they also had some great sales people too!
Yes there were bad promotions to manager because they needed women and minorities in management. Some come to the forefront of my mind.... But if You don't have many "minorities", you have to discriminate to get "balance". Not right or wrong. Where are the LGBT...we don't have "them" promoted to managers. I a g

For someone who's a "g", your resentment of women and "minorities" is bemusing. "Where's my piece of the action? You know, the quota for LBGT!"

The reality is that incompetents and egomaniacs get promoted sometimes regardless of gender, race or sexuality. I did, however, work with a couple of white males who purposely would try to hire minorities they knew weren't well-suited for the job. The self-fulfilling prophesy. No dice, fellas.

Good to see all of the affirmative action comments deleted. The one about the President being as white as he is black seemed to ruffle feathers too. CP and Merck the thing they both hate most is the truth.

Yeh, they did not have computers then, hense they would be computer illiterate if not trained..I was there in the 80s too..some representatives should have been helped to retire earlier...however they also had some great sales people too!
Yes there were bad promotions to manager because they needed women and minorities in management. Some come to the forefront of my mind.... But if You don't have many "minorities", you have to discriminate to get "balance". Not right or wrong. Where are the LGBT...we don't have "them" promoted to managers. I a g

The world is changing. May be Merck is nuts in micromanaging and monitoring. But technology helps too. I remember some older reps were adaptive and learned how to use the first laptop we were issued. Some refused, said it was too much, and opted to retire. I don't think I want to go back to keeping all my notes in binders in a box in my car. Nor using those dirty payphones to make a call.