Former Execs sue B+L


Thanks for the CNBC update about B+L. Check the link below to see that it looks like Warburg may not care how it does business and will even take a few pennies away from former executive retirement plans. (see link below).

This will likely be the last gig for the management at B+L. Running a business out of business will not make you marketable in the business world. If you complete the sale of the company there is a slight possibility that another private equity firm could hire you. Otherwise make sure you have a good lawyer to secure your agreement on your retirement plan.

Ha ha ha....B+L cut the pension payments because they are preparing to go bankrupt. A penny saved is a penny earned and B+L is doing it to their own past senior executives. This signals that B+L is over. Bankruptcy here we come...and screw everybody else (including those past execs with golden parachutes)