Forestish. Do you speak it?


1.) All emails from brand teams must be closed out with "Good selling!"
2.) All voicemails must open with the phrase, "I just wanted to 'reach out.'"
3.) All emails to anyone above you must open with the phrase, "I hope this email finds you well."
4.) Any "Come to Jesus meetings" must be called "Touching base."

Feel free to add your own. Identifying corporate-speak is a highlight of my day.

1.) All emails from brand teams must be closed out with "Good selling!"
2.) All voicemails must open with the phrase, "I just wanted to 'reach out.'"
3.) All emails to anyone above you must open with the phrase, "I hope this email finds you well."
4.) Any "Come to Jesus meetings" must be called "Touching base."

Feel free to add your own. Identifying corporate-speak is a highlight of my day.

What does your "dash" say?

Contrary to what you think I did not work at enterprise rent a car as my prior career, I used to work for xerox selling copiers; and before that I was a customer service rep at staples and when i left, I was top in sales for urinal cakes

"Friday is 20% of your work week"

"Just think of the opportunity you have to conduct impactful details to your doctors over the Christmas Holiday, since most of your competitors are at home with their families"

"I have an expectation that no rep in the region be ranked in the bottom 25%"

"Place and case"

"Quantify and Qualify"

Im so grateful that I did not get the job with Forest years ago when I interviewed. I took another pharma gig and love it and constantly see the position I interviewed for online with a new opening. However, I have sincerely enjoyed reading on the Forest CP board. You guys crack me up! I feel really bad for all of you who have to deal with the micromanaged, straight out of Office Space kind of a work week on a daily basis. I know there are better opportunities at there and each of you are just collecting paychecks until the next best thing comes around. Maybe some are content, but regardless, this is one of my favorite weekend activities, is drinking coffee on a saturday morning and reading Forest CP. Keep it coming!!