Forest Rep Lifecycle - Enjoy!


If you can win President's club every year for 3 years at Forest, you may have 4 year career. After the fourth year, you will making too much money for the company to keep you as a territory rep - you are not an asset, but now considered a liability as your base is too high, and you cannot( or should I say will not) be motivated anymore by 25 year old DM's.

Now your expense reports are monitored to a T. Now your call activity is your DM, RD, and ABD's Monday morning conference call - - - EVERY MONDAY MORNING UNTIL THEY FIND SOMETHING --AND THEY WILL.

Now your gas tracking usage is monitored. You will be hammered at every POA for perfection, and your field rides will be a 3 out of 5 at best ---because even a 3 time PC winner can benefit on a better "closing statement".

You will stay up all night struggling to understand why this is happening to YOU - the best rep in town.

It then gets worse - field rides every two weeks. Updates daily on progress during calls and somehow finding answers on why you have been " unavailable to your fellow teammates lately" ( according to who? Probably your partner throwing you under the bus)

You will finally have had enough of this.

Now you will spend the next few months networking and building your resume while just doing the basics at Forest to keep your ass from not getting fired.

Next you will find a better job in "other pharma" if that is even considered a decent job still - or you will land a great medical device job.

Next you will not tell any of your teammates this has happened and go on with your business with your docs, maybe telling an opening statement to a Decile 10 advocate customer that sounds like this- "Hey doc... Forest really isn't what you and I initially cracked it up to be. You will gain agreement from this MD. You will probe the MD on what a better avenue you should have taken. The MD will tell you -"get the %$@& out of pharma and into medical device sales." You will agree that this is the avenue you are going to take. You close your doc on moving onto better pastures and gain solid agreement. "And - oh by the way Doc - I really don't mind if you use Cymbalta, it was, has been, and will always be a better antidpressant then Lexapro. BYE. And thank you doc for coaching me through this"

Now on your morning conference call when you get called by your incompetent DM to role play Namenda for the 600th time - you finally announce your resignation in front of your whole team and DM - and tell them why you did it - in full detail.

This is of course if you are a 3 time PC winner. Anything less than that and you're out in 2 years you won't get this far - I just want to make you aware of the potential here at Forest.

I know. Cause I did it. And it rocked.

Thank you Forest for helping me reach my full potential in a REAL, TOUGH, DOG eat DOG sales industry that doesn't micromanage, and allows the SALESMAN to create, drive, and use the human tools we were given to succeed.

That salary you thought was too high to keep me around...I would only like to see the look on your little faces if I faxed you my W-2 last year.

Again - thank you so much Forest for what you have done - not to me...BUT FOR ME!!!!

I will always be indebted to you.

If you can win President's club every year for 3 years at Forest, you may have 4 year career. After the fourth year, you will making too much money for the company to keep you as a territory rep - you are not an asset, but now considered a liability as your base is too high, and you cannot( or should I say will not) be motivated anymore by 25 year old DM's.

Now your expense reports are monitored to a T. Now your call activity is your DM, RD, and ABD's Monday morning conference call - - - EVERY MONDAY MORNING UNTIL THEY FIND SOMETHING --AND THEY WILL.

Now your gas tracking usage is monitored. You will be hammered at every POA for perfection, and your field rides will be a 3 out of 5 at best ---because even a 3 time PC winner can benefit on a better "closing statement".

You will stay up all night struggling to understand why this is happening to YOU - the best rep in town.

It then gets worse - field rides every two weeks. Updates daily on progress during calls and somehow finding answers on why you have been " unavailable to your fellow teammates lately" ( according to who? Probably your partner throwing you under the bus)

You will finally have had enough of this.

Now you will spend the next few months networking and building your resume while just doing the basics at Forest to keep your ass from not getting fired.

Next you will find a better job in "other pharma" if that is even considered a decent job still - or you will land a great medical device job.

Next you will not tell any of your teammates this has happened and go on with your business with your docs, maybe telling an opening statement to a Decile 10 advocate customer that sounds like this- "Hey doc... Forest really isn't what you and I initially cracked it up to be. You will gain agreement from this MD. You will probe the MD on what a better avenue you should have taken. The MD will tell you -"get the %$@& out of pharma and into medical device sales." You will agree that this is the avenue you are going to take. You close your doc on moving onto better pastures and gain solid agreement. "And - oh by the way Doc - I really don't mind if you use Cymbalta, it was, has been, and will always be a better antidpressant then Lexapro. BYE. And thank you doc for coaching me through this"

Now on your morning conference call when you get called by your incompetent DM to role play Namenda for the 600th time - you finally announce your resignation in front of your whole team and DM - and tell them why you did it - in full detail.

This is of course if you are a 3 time PC winner. Anything less than that and you're out in 2 years you won't get this far - I just want to make you aware of the potential here at Forest.

I know. Cause I did it. And it rocked.

Thank you Forest for helping me reach my full potential in a REAL, TOUGH, DOG eat DOG sales industry that doesn't micromanage, and allows the SALESMAN to create, drive, and use the human tools we were given to succeed.

That salary you thought was too high to keep me around...I would only like to see the look on your little faces if I faxed you my W-2 last year.

Again - thank you so much Forest for what you have done - not to me...BUT FOR ME!!!!

I will always be indebted to you.

thank you

If you can win President's club every year for 3 years at Forest, you may have 4 year career. After the fourth year, you will making too much money for the company to keep you as a territory rep - you are not an asset, but now considered a liability as your base is too high, and you cannot( or should I say will not) be motivated anymore by 25 year old DM's.

Now your expense reports are monitored to a T. Now your call activity is your DM, RD, and ABD's Monday morning conference call - - - EVERY MONDAY MORNING UNTIL THEY FIND SOMETHING --AND THEY WILL.

Now your gas tracking usage is monitored. You will be hammered at every POA for perfection, and your field rides will be a 3 out of 5 at best ---because even a 3 time PC winner can benefit on a better "closing statement".

You will stay up all night struggling to understand why this is happening to YOU - the best rep in town.

It then gets worse - field rides every two weeks. Updates daily on progress during calls and somehow finding answers on why you have been " unavailable to your fellow teammates lately" ( according to who? Probably your partner throwing you under the bus)

You will finally have had enough of this.

Now you will spend the next few months networking and building your resume while just doing the basics at Forest to keep your ass from not getting fired.

Next you will find a better job in "other pharma" if that is even considered a decent job still - or you will land a great medical device job.

Next you will not tell any of your teammates this has happened and go on with your business with your docs, maybe telling an opening statement to a Decile 10 advocate customer that sounds like this- "Hey doc... Forest really isn't what you and I initially cracked it up to be. You will gain agreement from this MD. You will probe the MD on what a better avenue you should have taken. The MD will tell you -"get the %$@& out of pharma and into medical device sales." You will agree that this is the avenue you are going to take. You close your doc on moving onto better pastures and gain solid agreement. "And - oh by the way Doc - I really don't mind if you use Cymbalta, it was, has been, and will always be a better antidpressant then Lexapro. BYE. And thank you doc for coaching me through this"

Now on your morning conference call when you get called by your incompetent DM to role play Namenda for the 600th time - you finally announce your resignation in front of your whole team and DM - and tell them why you did it - in full detail.

This is of course if you are a 3 time PC winner. Anything less than that and you're out in 2 years you won't get this far - I just want to make you aware of the potential here at Forest.

I know. Cause I did it. And it rocked.

Thank you Forest for helping me reach my full potential in a REAL, TOUGH, DOG eat DOG sales industry that doesn't micromanage, and allows the SALESMAN to create, drive, and use the human tools we were given to succeed.

That salary you thought was too high to keep me around...I would only like to see the look on your little faces if I faxed you my W-2 last year.

Again - thank you so much Forest for what you have done - not to me...BUT FOR ME!!!!

I will always be indebted to you.

that was so lovely- i just inserted my suppository

Congrats to you, that is truly awesome. My history and outcome is similar to yours, actually. Although I landed a job with another pharma company, not in medical device. Still started with a ton more base than I made after 6 years with Forest (and being PC winner). I'm posting to reassure the tenured, fed-up reps out there that are looking to move that these opportunities do exist. Hang in there and you will find life beyond the horrible crap that is Forest. And I hope all you annoying kool-aide drinking newbies realize this bs will happen eventually to you, too.

Got a device job last week. Unbelievable relief, havent told anyone yet. Medreps has many opportunities but found mine on monster. It is competitive though.
Make your own luck!!!

Thank you for a realistic, honest post. I am in the process of doing exactly what you described...and hoping for the same outcome. You give me hope that the grass truly is greener on the other side. Thank you!

Hands down the most accurate post ever written. I'd like to see a DM or HR, or anyone retort this with a somewhat intelligent answer. I know many friends who have gone this direct path with success. What a shame Forest puposely hacks off top notch reps to fill them with car salesmen just to think they are saving a dollar. I guess it is true...if you want serious entry level sales, Forest is right for you.

I was with you until you "commented" on Cymbalta. If you really knew your stuff, if you really took the time to research the antidepressant options and their safety vs efficacy profiles, if you really were able to decipher why some clinical evidence is more relevant than wouldn't make that statement. Take another look, duloxetine is a second or third line med for depression. Good luck finding any credible data that proves otherwise. Actually, don't doesn't exist. If you need any "extra help" to learn how to identify credible data let us know.

This could not have been put any better! I too had the same experience at Forest and my commission check this month will be equal to that of my highest base salary at Forest. Get out of Pharma and into Device!

I only wish I had the balls to do this - unfortunately I have a family to take care of and can't leave just like that. I'm a good rep, miserable yes, and hope I can find a way out soon. Good job man

Post 11 - I appreciate your agreement up until Cymbalta - the fact is "Cymbalta" is used as a metaphor for all SSRI/SNRI products. The real selling is device selling. And even though our lonely and dreadful FP's aren't placing dialysis catheters or nephrostomy drainage tubes, they do understand the real business of medical sales is not in pharma - but device and equipment.

He was laughing his ass off when I even brought up Cymbalta, as he knew the game. Hopefully this will help you too. I have no intention ever again to research or ask for your clinical insight on the antidepressant class. It's not even in the same ball park my friend.

If your read the whole post and understand this may have a chance.

Good luck

Post 11 - I appreciate your agreement up until Cymbalta - the fact is "Cymbalta" is used as a metaphor for all SSRI/SNRI products. The real selling is device selling. And even though our lonely and dreadful FP's aren't placing dialysis catheters or nephrostomy drainage tubes, they do understand the real business of medical sales is not in pharma - but device and equipment.

He was laughing his ass off when I even brought up Cymbalta, as he knew the game. Hopefully this will help you too. I have no intention ever again to research or ask for your clinical insight on the antidepressant class. It's not even in the same ball park my friend.

If your read the whole post and understand this may have a chance.

Good luck

Yes...comparing pharm sales to device sales is like comparing my old beat up Taurus to my BMW.