Forest cutting workforce


FOREST LABS TO CUT WORKFORCE 120 PERCENT NEW YORK, N.Y. ( - Forest laboratories will reduce its workforce by an unprecedented 120 percent by the end of October 2011, believed to be the first time a major corporation has laid off more employees than it actually has. FRX stock soared more than 12 points on the news. The reduction decision, announced Wednesday, came after a year-long internal review of cost-cutting procedures.The initial report concluded the company would save $20 million by eliminating 20 percent of its employees. From there, said Cary Renner, “it didn’t take a genius to figure out that if we cut 40 percent of our workforce, we’d save $40 million, and if we cut 100 percent of our workforce, we’d save $100 million. But then we thought, why stop there? Let’s cut another 20 percent and save $120 million. “We believe in increasing shareholder value, and we believe that by decreasing expenditures, we enhance our competitive cost position and our bottom line,” he added. Forest plans to achieve the 100 percent internal reduction through layoffs, attrition and early retirement packages. To achieve the 20 percent in external reductions, the company plans to involuntarily downsize 3,000 non-Forest employees who presently work for other companies. “We pretty much picked them out of a hat,”. “We’re also hoping that since, over the years, we’ve been really helpful to a lot of companies, they’ll do this for us kind of as a favor,”. Legally, pink slips sent out by Forest would have no standing at ERTs unless those companies agreed. While executives at ERTs declined to comment, employees at those companies said they were not inclined to

Analysts credited the short-term vision, noting that the announcement
had the desired effect of immediately increasing SA’s share value.
However, the long-term ramifications could be detrimental, said Bear
Stearns analyst Beldon McInty.

“It’s a little early to tell, but by eliminating all its employees,
Forest may jeopardize its market position and could, at least
theoretically, cease to exist,” said McInty.

The spokesperson, however, urged patience: “To my knowledge, this hasn’t
been done before, so let’s just wait and see what happens.”

What a joke. We just had the largest training class ever come through last week and expanded the salesforce by 20%. The July training class is going to be a large one as well. Go hide back under the bridge you just crawled out from you stupid troll.

Don't be fooled by signs of "business as usual", such as large training classes and meetings not being cancelled. The industry is imploding. As giants like Pfizer lay off in the thousands, so will every other company.

You are the fool that thinks that bc everyone else is doing something then we are going to do it. I guess you are the same idiot that always gave into peer pressure and did everything that everyone else was doing. Do you know how many years I have been hearing that Forest was about to have layoffs????? It hasn't happened and it isn't going to anytime soon!!!

People that dont believe it will happen probably don't read any financial news...what % of the salesforce do you think even know who Carl Ichan is?! Or, what the case against Howard really is all about? Probably not many..because this job is about going through the motions, driving your free car and cashing paychecks for getting signatures.

The fact is that Carl Ichan is a very powerful man (because of $) that has a plan already in motion to pick apart Forest's balance sheets, marketing strategies and operational costs. Why? Because he has money on the line and along with many financial analysts can see that Forest is heading for disaster..patent cliffs and a possible exclusion from government programs. It's his obligation as a hghly vested shareholder to wake the board up!

Also, the $3000 bonus for the launch...signatures, signatures, signatures....get product to as many doctors as possible in the shortest amount of time...genius! Do it while you have the salesforce.


FOREST LABS TO CUT WORKFORCE 120 PERCENT NEW YORK, N.Y. ( - Forest laboratories will reduce its workforce by an unprecedented 120 percent by the end of October 2011, believed to be the first time a major corporation has laid off more employees than it actually has. FRX stock soared more than 12 points on the news. The reduction decision, announced Wednesday, came after a year-long internal review of cost-cutting procedures.The initial report concluded the company would save $20 million by eliminating 20 percent of its employees. From there, said Cary Renner, “it didn’t take a genius to figure out that if we cut 40 percent of our workforce, we’d save $40 million, and if we cut 100 percent of our workforce, we’d save $100 million. But then we thought, why stop there? Let’s cut another 20 percent and save $120 million. “We believe in increasing shareholder value, and we believe that by decreasing expenditures, we enhance our competitive cost position and our bottom line,” he added. Forest plans to achieve the 100 percent internal reduction through layoffs, attrition and early retirement packages. To achieve the 20 percent in external reductions, the company plans to involuntarily downsize 3,000 non-Forest employees who presently work for other companies. “We pretty much picked them out of a hat,”. “We’re also hoping that since, over the years, we’ve been really helpful to a lot of companies, they’ll do this for us kind of as a favor,”. Legally, pink slips sent out by Forest would have no standing at ERTs unless those companies agreed. While executives at ERTs declined to comment, employees at those companies said they were not inclined to

Analysts credited the short-term vision, noting that the announcement
had the desired effect of immediately increasing SA’s share value.
However, the long-term ramifications could be detrimental, said Bear
Stearns analyst Beldon McInty.

“It’s a little early to tell, but by eliminating all its employees,
Forest may jeopardize its market position and could, at least
theoretically, cease to exist,” said McInty.

The spokesperson, however, urged patience: “To my knowledge, this hasn’t
been done before, so let’s just wait and see what happens.”

The funny thing is this is exactly how intelligent Forest senior management is!!

People that dont believe it will happen probably don't read any financial news...what % of the salesforce do you think even know who Carl Ichan is?! Or, what the case against Howard really is all about? Probably not many..because this job is about going through the motions, driving your free car and cashing paychecks for getting signatures.

The fact is that Carl Ichan is a very powerful man (because of $) that has a plan already in motion to pick apart Forest's balance sheets, marketing strategies and operational costs. Why? Because he has money on the line and along with many financial analysts can see that Forest is heading for disaster..patent cliffs and a possible exclusion from government programs. It's his obligation as a hghly vested shareholder to wake the board up!

Also, the $3000 bonus for the launch...signatures, signatures, signatures....get product to as many doctors as possible in the shortest amount of time...genius! Do it while you have the salesforce.


the old days of more reps = more sales, is the outdated pharma model of the early 90s

this is the tipping point for the company, howard is gone, Icahn is prepping us for a takeover

boost shareholder value = cut the bottom line = cut the fat = cut reps

why do you think our stock has soared AFTER Icahn announced his intent, big changes coming, start looking for exit NOW, dont wait for the ax to fall

Ichan and all 6% of his shares are gonna really take Forest down.....bahahaha

Get a life people and go play somewhere else. Ichan has NOTHING on Uncle Howie and his crownies.

Ichan and all 6% of his shares are gonna really take Forest down.....bahahaha

Get a life people and go play somewhere else. Ichan has NOTHING on Uncle Howie and his crownies.

he and his 6% NOW represent the second largest individual shareholders, that is why he is nominating 4 of his own people to the board of 9

look at history, look at what has happened at sanofi and genzyme after Icahn hasshown an "interest"

shareholders want share growth, Icahn is doing that, if it came to a vote, howie would be out, reps would be cut, and we would be sold for $45 per share

why do you think frx is accelerating share repurchase? trying to prevent hostile takeover

also likely golden parachutes for the executives, how much are your options worth???

Ichan and all 6% of his shares are gonna really take Forest down.....bahahaha

Get a life people and go play somewhere else. Ichan has NOTHING on Uncle Howie and his crownies.

YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Forest expenses are way out of line for both marketing( reps) and research. When Lexapro goes off patent, you will have forest spending over 2 billion dollars to generate 2 billion dollars. Forest has already said it will declare much lower earnings in 2012 due to generic intrusion.
however, Ichan, is unlikely to let that happen so that you can keep your free car and your job. The company will most likely have a significant layoff and you bozo may find yourself on the unemployment line, bahahaaha!!!!1
Go look at the annual report if you know how to read.

To the dumb ass who copy and pasted the original article, why didnt you include the original date of that article??? BECAUSE ITS FROM 3 YEARS AGO, thats why!!! Get a life and stop freaking everyone out about there job security.

To the dumbass above. Go google forest layoffs 120%. And read the cafe pharma thread from 2008, they wanted 120% cut by sometime in 2009. Someone changed the date when they pasted the article above to read by october 2011. Get back to me after you do your homework assignment dumbass.

To the dumbass above. Go google forest layoffs 120%. And read the cafe pharma thread from 2008, they wanted 120% cut by sometime in 2009. Someone changed the date when they pasted the article above to read by october 2011. Get back to me after you do your homework assignment dumbass.

Ok mathlete, getting back to you. How can a company lay off 120% of its employees when 100% is all it can have?!?

Has anyone honestly heard anything about layoffs? I'm in Mass and rumors are swirling about a shake up with the new pilot program. Would there be some sort of severence package?

i heard massive layoffs in sep. 50% of reps with 5 or more years are gone first, they make the most, the irony part is that regardless you have 1 month or 1 yr or 10 yr with the company everyone is getting 1 yr severance pay.... can't wait