Forest Contract

What a Shit Show!!!!

LOL! I love visiting their board and watch them bitch and moan and talk shit to each other. It's like high school at that shit hole of a company. Had an interview with them when I was first trying to get into Pharma, so glad I didn't get the job! Now I actually sell good products and make money at another company!

Now that we are required to do speaker programs there is no difference between the Forest reps and the contract reps. Time for us contract reps to get same pay and benefits as the reg reps.

Good luck getting more pay..this is Contract world where you get to do more, with more oversight for less money, less benefits...they have stacks of resumes for your position so go ahead and quit and make more money elsewhere.

You people don't get it. Its a dying industry. Be grateful, Forest seldom does lay offs . Go over to the Pfizer or BMS boards. Its all you will read, layoffs. Its not the glory days anymore. Welcome to the reality.

I am considering a position with the Forest contract. I will be speaking with the recruiter in the next couple days, but have another job offer sitting on the table. Can someone please give me details on the salary and total comp for this position? I was told it was "entry level". How much do you have to pay into health benefits? What is the company car and gas policy? Thanks.