For you liberals asking for an alternative


First..............there is no reason for the government to spend the amount of tax dollars on healthcare costs it does currently and under this plan would spend a fraction of what they currently do, specifically once my plan would go into affect over time. Following would be the steps I would introduce to eventually insure/cover all medical costs for everyone and do away with Medicaid/Medicare.

1) Do away with the states defining what a basic insurance plan needs to cover and do away with not allowing people to buy insurance across state lines.
2) Allow states to set up high risk pools for people that have tried (and have documented proof) that they cannot obtain insurance on their these high risk pools the state will operate the plan and the individual will pay a monthly premium based on their risk, much like in the private insurance. The individual will still be responsible for copays, a likely large deductible, and co-insurances for services rendered.
3) Tort Reform.
4) Health savings accounts managed by a firm of the individuals choosing. THIS IS THE BASIS FOR MY PLAN. Your contribution to this can go as high as you want but at a minimum 2% of your pay will be withheld. You may be asking how this is different than social security or the individual mandate, and they are much different, in fact, have very little in common. The two percent will not go to the government but a private account of your choosing. It can be invested in the stock market, bonds, savings accts, or you can simply have it put in a box in a bank and you can view your balance through whatever financial institution you choose to work with whenever you want. THE MONEY CAN ONLY BE USED FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. THE MONEY GROWS TAX FREE AND IS PULLED OUT TAX FREE. YOU CAN PASS IT DOWN TO YOUR CHILDREN INTO THEIR OWN HSA TAX FREE. Your employer can also contribute/match if they choose as they are likely to see savings on the insurance side of things with this scenario. To illustrate how this will eventually do away with Medicaid/Medicare and possibly all insurance (or at least everything but major medical see below). It may take a few cycles but eventually everyone will be on their own dime.

Husband HSA upon death
Wife HSA Upon death
which they had three children
Child 1,2, and 3 inherit 100k each into their HSA and they pass their HSA which have had over 77 years to grow even more say husband and wife have 600k and 300k and have two children. Their children will now inherit almost 450k each into their HSA's. And so on and so forth. You can see that in generation 3 or 4 how this can happen.

I haven't ran into one liberal yet that can argue this system with me and it is pretty obvious this can be achieved not spending 1 trillion dollars and using funny math to show BS savings. (10 years revenue vs. 6 years spending) So there you go what it took the dems 2500+ pages to tear down I have re-done in a couple paragraphs and bullet points. I look foward to you libs trying to refute the above plan.

First..............there is no reason for the government to spend the amount of tax dollars on healthcare costs it does currently and under this plan would spend a fraction of what they currently do, specifically once my plan would go into affect over time. Following would be the steps I would introduce to eventually insure/cover all medical costs for everyone and do away with Medicaid/Medicare.

1) Do away with the states defining what a basic insurance plan needs to cover and do away with not allowing people to buy insurance across state lines.
2) Allow states to set up high risk pools for people that have tried (and have documented proof) that they cannot obtain insurance on their these high risk pools the state will operate the plan and the individual will pay a monthly premium based on their risk, much like in the private insurance. The individual will still be responsible for copays, a likely large deductible, and co-insurances for services rendered.
3) Tort Reform.
4) Health savings accounts managed by a firm of the individuals choosing. THIS IS THE BASIS FOR MY PLAN. Your contribution to this can go as high as you want but at a minimum 2% of your pay will be withheld. You may be asking how this is different than social security or the individual mandate, and they are much different, in fact, have very little in common. The two percent will not go to the government but a private account of your choosing. It can be invested in the stock market, bonds, savings accts, or you can simply have it put in a box in a bank and you can view your balance through whatever financial institution you choose to work with whenever you want. THE MONEY CAN ONLY BE USED FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. THE MONEY GROWS TAX FREE AND IS PULLED OUT TAX FREE. YOU CAN PASS IT DOWN TO YOUR CHILDREN INTO THEIR OWN HSA TAX FREE. Your employer can also contribute/match if they choose as they are likely to see savings on the insurance side of things with this scenario. To illustrate how this will eventually do away with Medicaid/Medicare and possibly all insurance (or at least everything but major medical see below). It may take a few cycles but eventually everyone will be on their own dime.

Husband HSA upon death
Wife HSA Upon death
which they had three children
Child 1,2, and 3 inherit 100k each into their HSA and they pass their HSA which have had over 77 years to grow even more say husband and wife have 600k and 300k and have two children. Their children will now inherit almost 450k each into their HSA's. And so on and so forth. You can see that in generation 3 or 4 how this can happen.

I haven't ran into one liberal yet that can argue this system with me and it is pretty obvious this can be achieved not spending 1 trillion dollars and using funny math to show BS savings. (10 years revenue vs. 6 years spending) So there you go what it took the dems 2500+ pages to tear down I have re-done in a couple paragraphs and bullet points. I look foward to you libs trying to refute the above plan.

I think your plan has plenty of merit. However, liberals will NOT like your idea because it does NOT involve a BIG-GOVERNMENT SOLUTION. They don't care if your plan is effective or not. When you get right down to it, it's like what Rahm Emanuel said "You never let a serious crisis go to waste" This whole debate is about healthcare only to the extent that government can SEIZE MORE control of our FREEDOM. Your idea does NOT serve their purposes, so they will blah blah blah about corporate greed and inequality. They are DRONES... good luck trying to convince them.

I think your plan has plenty of merit. However, liberals will NOT like your idea because it does NOT involve a BIG-GOVERNMENT SOLUTION. They don't care if your plan is effective or not. When you get right down to it, it's like what Rahm Emanuel said "You never let a serious crisis go to waste" This whole debate is about healthcare only to the extent that government can SEIZE MORE control of our FREEDOM. Your idea does NOT serve their purposes, so they will blah blah blah about corporate greed and inequality. They are DRONES... good luck trying to convince them.

You are correct to a point but there is also a larger issue at play. This forces people to be repsonsible for themselves and manage their own healthcare. Liberals don't want that as they want the "rich" to pay for others needs, more than they already do. That is the issue here...its not access to health care, pre-existing conditions or anything else they really try to demonize. They want to STEAL your money so they can pay for the "needs" of someone else.

Just as I thought 47 people viewing this with one person chiming in to agree with me. You dipshit liberals ask for an alternative plan and when you get one that you can't refute or defend your dickhead presidents plan you run an hide. You liberals have just outed yourselves for what I knew you were for quite some time. A spineless, thoughtless, teetsucking, mindless, dickless, know-nothing poor excuse for human beings, if you can even call yourselves that. You will single-handedly be the cause for the downfall of the US. Now if you excuse me I gonna go do me some celebrating in the victory circle. It took all of about 10 minutes to shut you dipshit libs up for one time.

Just as I thought now 56 people have looked at this thread. Assuming the law of averages just over 11 of you (and you know who you pathetic losers are) consider yourself liberals. Also, based on the percentage of people that don't want losercare repealed or replaced at just under 50% leaves around 28 of you that like what that shithead and his other commies have done. So where are these 28 people and why so silent. I'll tell you why because you are losers. You have always been losers, and losing is what you have always been best at. Congrats to you dumbasses on being losers.

Just as I thought now 56 people have looked at this thread. Assuming the law of averages just over 11 of you (and you know who you pathetic losers are) consider yourself liberals. Also, based on the percentage of people that don't want losercare repealed or replaced at just under 50% leaves around 28 of you that like what that shithead and his other commies have done. So where are these 28 people and why so silent. I'll tell you why because you are losers. You have always been losers, and losing is what you have always been best at. Congrats to you dumbasses on being losers.

A+B=C then C-A=B and laws of averages divided by ths sum total are less than square root.... What the F are you people talking about. Just spit it out, are you for Socialism or NOT???

now 81 people have looked at this and not one dumbass has supported dickheads plan over this one. I guess I must have just proved all the surveys showing around 46% like/want to leave the exisitng dumbass's plan. That or you are all mindless cowards which is a suspicion as well.

now 81 people have looked at this and not one dumbass has supported dickheads plan over this one. I guess I must have just proved all the surveys showing around 46% like/want to leave the exisitng dumbass's plan. That or you are all mindless cowards which is a suspicion as well.

Are you talking about dickhead Obama's plan??? Who are you talking about it? You type like the same MORON I ran out of the other threads.... So be CLEAR, what is your POINT???

Yes dickhead=obama. Is that clear enough for you? Next time I will try and write it in crayon and make a nice picture book for you. Now almost 100 people and not one MORON stating one logical response to the plan above.

Yes dickhead=obama. Is that clear enough for you? Next time I will try and write it in crayon and make a nice picture book for you. Now almost 100 people and not one MORON stating one logical response to the plan above.

Calm down.... I agree with you. Just brush-up on your writing skills so you can effectively communicate your message.

Calm down.... I agree with you. Just brush-up on your writing skills so you can effectively communicate your message.

Sorry. While I am happy you agree with me I have no time for dense people. The thread is pretty clear about what was being discussed. I am looking for someone try and defend obama's bill and while around 46% think it is ok everyone here is silent, leading me to say that all of them are pathetic.

The alternative will come when the US Supreme Court finally looks into this to see if the federal government should have this sort of power. With a conservative leaning bench, this thing will be gutted.

Then again, the interstate commerce clause has been abused so often for the federal government to become how very large it is today. To a liberal, there can never be too much federal power.

The alternative will come when the US Supreme Court finally looks into this to see if the federal government should have this sort of power. With a conservative leaning bench, this thing will be gutted.

Then again, the interstate commerce clause has been abused so often for the federal government to become how very large it is today. To a liberal, there can never be too much federal power.

While I agree with this comment this there are plenty of other threads where this comment fits, this one is not that thread. This thread is specifically for liberals to try and defend or otherwise refute why the above stated plan is not better than obamacare. However, with over 120+ views they are still quiet, cowards and spineless just like I stated before.

Day 15 and there really should not be ONE post on another topic until there is an arugment against the above stated plan. This post makes each one after or before it useless. Doesn't matter if you believe the obama's plan is socialism, canada's system is better, death panels, etc.....This plan achieves coverage for all without creating another government program, doesn't raise taxes at all, and leaves medical decisions between the patient and their doctor. In the end not even the insurance companies will matter because you will pay for what you need from you own HSA. Answer the question or there really shouldn't be another liberal thought anywhere on this topic.