For those that were hoping to be displaced


For those that were hoping to be displaced out of CRM this past week but were retained, you should ask your ABL or RD for a package. Now is the time so that those that were displaced can come back and you can freely move on to enjoy your life.

There is no harm in asking and everyone would understand.


For those that were hoping to be displaced out of CRM this past week but were retained, you should ask your ABL or RD for a package. Now is the time so that those that were displaced can come back and you can freely move on to enjoy your life.

There is no harm in asking and everyone would understand.

You must be joking. Do you work in Human Resources? Do you have any idea how much advance-planning and effort goes into a restructuring like this?
Do you really believe that, after the fact, a random rep asking his A.B.L. for a severance package will compel the entire organization to change their minds on voluntary seperations?
What do you think your A.B.L. will think of you if you do this? Maybe that you are an ignorant clown who has no idea how multi-billion dollar corporations work? And you hate your job and will likely quit inside of a year?
This is one of the most insane things I have ever read on this site, and that covers an awful lot of ground.
If you are that desperate to stay with Novartis, why don't you check the job-postings? Between the placed reps shifting territories and organic vacancies you should have no trouble finding a landing spot if you are willing to relocate.
Also, what you said is completely incorrect. There is extreme harm in asking (your A.B.L. will be looking for your backfill that day) and absolutely nobody would understand (again, you have confirmed that you are looking elsewhere and they will manage you out as quickly as possible).
Follow this preposterous advice at your own peril.

You must be joking. Do you work in Human Resources? Do you have any idea how much advance-planning and effort goes into a restructuring like this?
Do you really believe that, after the fact, a random rep asking his A.B.L. for a severance package will compel the entire organization to change their minds on voluntary seperations?
What do you think your A.B.L. will think of you if you do this? Maybe that you are an ignorant clown who has no idea how multi-billion dollar corporations work? And you hate your job and will likely quit inside of a year?
This is one of the most insane things I have ever read on this site, and that covers an awful lot of ground.
If you are that desperate to stay with Novartis, why don't you check the job-postings? Between the placed reps shifting territories and organic vacancies you should have no trouble finding a landing spot if you are willing to relocate.
Also, what you said is completely incorrect. There is extreme harm in asking (your A.B.L. will be looking for your backfill that day) and absolutely nobody would understand (again, you have confirmed that you are looking elsewhere and they will manage you out as quickly as possible).
Follow this preposterous advice at your own peril.

Seems like the original poster was being sarcastic. I can see that being the case due to the ridiculous nature of this situation and division as a whole.

Not a bad idea for those close to retirement. I know of a few people that were hoping to get displaced because of this scenario but were retained. They tried to get a package but none were being offered. Shame. Most big pharma companies do.

Not a bad idea for those close to retirement. I know of a few people that were hoping to get displaced because of this scenario but were retained. They tried to get a package but none were being offered. Shame. Most big pharma companies do.

omg. They aren’t going to even consider giving anyone a package to someone who asks. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.

Not a bad idea for those close to retirement. I know of a few people that were hoping to get displaced because of this scenario but were retained. They tried to get a package but none were being offered. Shame. Most big pharma companies do.

You're right that it is not a bad idea. It is an epically hair-brained idea. You're only making trouble for yourself.

And by Jan 1st you’ll be broke and asking mom and dad for money.

What's your deal? Do you have a Novartis tattoo? Do you enjoy changing Victor's oil?
Novartis provides garden-variety, mediocre employment. The idea that leaving CRM is a career death-blow is comical.
Most, if not all of the displaced reps will have better jobs by July 4'th.
You, on the other hand, can keep waxing Duane's pre-teen beard and telling yourself what a special place Novartis is.

What's your deal? Do you have a Novartis tattoo? Do you enjoy changing Victor's oil?
Novartis provides garden-variety, mediocre employment. The idea that leaving CRM is a career death-blow is comical.
Most, if not all of the displaced reps will have better jobs by July 4'th.
You, on the other hand, can keep waxing Duane's pre-teen beard and telling yourself what a special place Novartis is.

lmao you made me laugh. You’re so right. The idiot who said I’d be broke and needing my parents money is probably a major Novartis kiss ass and drinks the kook aid. Prob blows their manager for that amazing 2.5% raise we all got in march

What's your deal? Do you have a Novartis tattoo? Do you enjoy changing Victor's oil?
Novartis provides garden-variety, mediocre employment. The idea that leaving CRM is a career death-blow is comical.
Most, if not all of the displaced reps will have better jobs by July 4'th.
You, on the other hand, can keep waxing Duane's pre-teen beard and telling yourself what a special place Novartis is.

Great post! These Novartians are really a different breed of brain dead. This place defies logic in every sense of the word. Worst management I’ve ever seen. if anyone thinks that CRM is the place to be, they need to be immediately lobotomized. This situation has been on a rapid decline and honestly I don’t see anything changing in the near future. I’m sure everyone who was displaced will land on their feet and be in a significantly better situation.