For those of you in your 20s or 30s...


Make a move NOW, because this industry is going nowhere.

Do you really want to be 46 years old and downsized again, and have to interview with a 38 year old manager?

how about 50 being interviewed by a 30 yr old.

The sad thing is that instead of being considered as an asset because of experience,relationships,rapport,etc.,the younger manager feels threatened,so hires young,inexperienced rep.Physicians will tell you that they are more willing to respond to experienced reps that they know and feel comfortable with. Increasing sales with the best candidate SHOULD be the goal of every manager! Sad!

For those in your 50's..just get botox and keep yourself as young as possible. They might not know your age if you dont put your college grad yr.

I agree. I am a female in late 50's. I would strongly urge everyone to save as much money as possible. These jobs pay better than alot of others but there is no security. The more you have control over finances, the less they will have control over you. I am set but enjoy working.