For those of you doubters, this is the end.


Little Mary Sunshine has been posting heavily on this board of late, joined by 1 other person pretending to be several people. They have been trying to convince you that Novartis is the place to be with a great pipeline and a lot more going for it than you would gleen by reading posts from all of the malcontents on CP.

The industry is dead, and Novartis is dead. A small subset of the industry and Novartis will survive, but the company will be 1/4 it's current size within 5 years. This train has run out of tracks.

The combination of bloated overhead, asinine marketing, increased government control of reimbursement, a bad economy, failed R&D, an unfriendly FDA and a poisonous culture have killed both Novartis and the industry.

If you think you can, and want to hold on to be one of the 1 in 4 that keeps a job, stick with this sinking ship. If you have a brain, get out while you can.

plenty of opportunity out there, but you have to have skills. I was optimized out in the december rounds, took the chance to start my own medical device distributorship, and now have 4 people selling great products from 6 companies. best move ever.

Just interviewed with Novartis- it was a joke. Manager was an just idiot. Just happy I did not hear anything back. Extremely unprofessional. Honestly, I have never seen anything like this. Be happy if you get layed off.s

Little Mary Sunshine here. I've been in this crazy industry since the early 80s and joined Novartis less than 5 years ago. The entire industry is severly bloated and overstaffed, home office and field. Novartis gets a prize for one of the most over staffed but the same can be said for some other large companies.

I've heard the doom and gloom forever. DRGs were going to close every hospital. Managed care was going to result in state and national formularies where reps would be irrelevant. Technology advancements and limitations on rep's ability to discuss data would make the job meaningless. Clinton-care and now Obama-care would be the end. While all have elements of truth, none have been the foretold disasters.

Keep some perspective. There are far too many marketing people and they should be reduced to 2 per brand and increased for focus on market segments. There are too many really poor, lazy ASMs. There are too many sales reps in all divisions. Access is getting harder as a direct result. Return to one sales rep for all products in a division and give them more responsibility for payer and reimbursement information too. Reduce ASMs to one per 12 reps and give them responsibility across a division, not product focused. 1 in 4 is about right for what is actually needed and productive in the field and home office. That doesn't mean it is a sinking ship. It is a bloated, overweight monstrosity far overdue for a massive correction.

Yeah, I still love it hear. Novartis has more promise than most and it all depends on if the forward thinking, visionary people in the ranks survive the mediocre, do it like we always have done, mindless drones. There too, 1 great for every 3 drones is pretty accurate.

There will always be Rx companies, but the size/number of employees will be 20% of what we have now. 1 Rep per territory, territory size enlarged, and very few marketing or support people. If you make it, it will be a decent job again. It is unlikely you will make it, and it is not worth the stress trying to get there. If you don't make it you have wasted another 2-5 years.

There will always be Rx companies, but the size/number of employees will be 20% of what we have now. 1 Rep per territory, territory size enlarged, and very few marketing or support people. If you make it, it will be a decent job again. It is unlikely you will make it, and it is not worth the stress trying to get there. If you don't make it you have wasted another 2-5 years.

I thought this way during the Clinton years. Left the industry, went back to school, and started another career. I came back to even higher earnings than I left behind. It's not wasted if you make it through. Hopefully everyone is working on a plan B and C! Use these next couple of years to prepare for doing something else in case you need to.

you overpaid useless fokkers will need to start over, maybe at panera bread.

The Rule of 3 E's:

everything eventually equalizes

now you foolz will go from making 100K down to around 32K, and it will take you a couple of years to obtain even that employment.

Have fun, fokkers.

you overpaid useless fokkers will need to start over, maybe at panera bread.

The Rule of 3 E's:

everything eventually equalizes

now you foolz will go from making 100K down to around 32K, and it will take you a couple of years to obtain even that employment.

Have fun, fokkers.

Ahh, spread the wealth around.
Maybe, after reading today that most folks working in the Whitehouse make over 100K - that's what we should all for the gov't.