For sale

Well if we are not sold soon we will be broke

Read this hilarious post from your wannabee competitor, CSI Labs, and take heart:


Originally Posted by Anonymous

All is quiet in the land. Does this mean CSI has weathered the storm or are they bracing for impact?

Completely mismanaged from RG to MM to TP and AG. If the goal was to weather the storms, it looks like George Clooney had more success in the Perfect Storm. I find it interesting that RG constantly reminds everyone how evil and corrupt Neo is, but the last time I checked their stock was NASDAQ listed above $4/share with a market cap of >$200m.

Lest you all forget, CSI went "national" only 18 months after Neo did. RG should have bought that stock vs. trying to run the mess he created in Goergia. So much for the Biggest and Best lab in the country vision.

clarient and their "Deep pockets" wins....hands down!!

You'd think, but judging from the posts on their site, it doesn't sound like they're in great shape either. GE can easily live without Clarient. Neo's stock is on the rise. So other than Clarient, who is Neo's biggest competitor? How does that pathetic little CSI Labs line up? How many labs are largely dedicated to cancer diagnostics? Quest is in no great shape either. Even mighty Labcorp has issues. Healthcare changes already here and the ones just around the corner in the fall will separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. There may not be many standing after that.

You'd think, but judging from the posts on their site, it doesn't sound like they're in great shape either. GE can easily live without Clarient. Neo's stock is on the rise. So other than Clarient, who is Neo's biggest competitor? How does that pathetic little CSI Labs line up? How many labs are largely dedicated to cancer diagnostics? Quest is in no great shape either. Even mighty Labcorp has issues. Healthcare changes already here and the ones just around the corner in the fall will separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. There may not be many standing after that.

I can only fathom to guess that the state of reimbursement has hurt labs like NEO and Clarient...
So the questions yes GE has deep pockets, yes Neo is not making any Money, but who has better vision for the one really knows and one can not listen to sales people from either company because they are all disenchanted...just look at the boards.

Plus if Neo gets purchased even by let's say another lab or Siemens will just be a repeat of what Clarient is dealing with right now.

So it's really just a Crap-shoot right now...

I am just going to step back and watch from the sidelines...when the dust clears I will decide which lab my ACO will choose. For now well just stick with what we are doing...