Fomulary Report II: NYU, Columbia Press., RWJ, Emery, Wayne State, Pitts., Sanford:

Paul Revere

.ALL say,
"and the committee sees no known medical need......due also to a lack of any pharmacoeconimic value..... A NO vote is advised."
.gee it's a little different than putting an antibiotic on formulary ten years ago ain't it? Not the slam dunk you thought is it. You'll era
Ly see how much they love yup in the 4th quarter, so link suckers....

Re: Fomulary Report II: NYU, Columbia Press., RWJ, Emery, Wayne State, Pitts., Sanfor

The NYC rep came from Baxter....What do you expect. Cadence should have checked further and hire a real professional rather than a caterer

The NY Market needs a real professional and someone who really works....

Re: Fomulary Report II: NYU, Columbia Press., RWJ, Emery, Wayne State, Pitts., Sanfor

Paul, I agree not all is rosey here. But you are barking up the wrong tree on the formulary issue. Over 1,500 formulary's in first year has shattered all previous records. You don't work for Cadence obviously.