Watch this video. Because of a Novartis flu shot this woman can't even sit up or feed herself.
Watch this video. Because of a Novartis flu shot this woman can't even sit up or feed herself.
Watch this video. Because of a Novartis flu shot this woman can't even sit up or feed herself.
You actually watched a video of someone dying of the flu? Why? Where is there video of someone dying of the flu? You tube? How long is the video? I don't think I am the moron.
So what about the paralyzed individual in the wheelchair? Perhaps like every other medication there exists the potential for harmful side affects. Are you the only pharma rep unaware of this? Again, I don't think I am the moron. I think your comments speak for themselves. You have never seen a video of someone dying from the flu. I have. Ain't pretty. Neither is a video of someone paralyzed by a vaccine.
Seriously what you should take away from this video is knowledge. Information so that you can make informed decisions about what you put into your own body. If you what to depend only on what drug manufacturers tell you then so be it. Be a sheeple and do exactly what you are told to do. Tough guys like you should open your mind more and your mouth less. We get it, you know how to swear. You are a pharma rep and should learn something other than what large corporation tell you is reality.
Perhaps rather than the magic 8 ball we just take everything Novartis tells us as gospel. Following the other lemmings over the cliff is not using your brain. I can't believe people who have their children vaccinated because they are told to. No one tells me how to take care of the health of my children. Not even pharmacy reps. Calling other people morons because they don't agree with you tells volumes about you. None of it flattering.
Just look at the OVERWHELMING SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE MORON.... what better to base your decisions????
OVERWHELMING SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ? walk into any community or teaching hospital & you will see doctors , nurses & staff REFUSE mandatory flu shots
& some have gone on strike about that very issue , that's all the evidence I need ...tool
(& those are vaccines from CLEAN mfg facilities , not filthy dirty contaminated the FDA cited against nvs)
Lets bet.... who can find more evidence? I will look for scientific evidence in medically accepted journals/publications that support vaccines and flu-shots and you can search your hear-say sources who oppose. I wonder who will win? Hmmm..... I wonder which will be more credible???? Hmmmmm What a MORON!
1)A survey of GPs published on Healthcare Republic, the website of GP magazine, found that up to 60% of GPs may decline vaccination. Although the numbers who responded were small – 216 GPs – they are in line with a much bigger survey of nurses published a week ago by Nursing Times, which found that a third of 1,500 nurses would refuse vaccination.
2)According to a RAND Corporation survey last year, 39 percent of healthcare professionals stated they had no intention of getting vaccinated despite the media hysteria and push for flu shots centered around H1N1 in 2009.
3)Midwives And Health Professionals Against Vaccination
'It's estimated that over 1 million individuals are damaged by vaccines each year. However, less than 10% of these reactions are reported. Having worked in a medical practice, I can assure you that doctors will go to great lengths to avoid reporting vaccine reaction. It's not good business to have a child become damaged or die on your watch. I have seen too many severe reactions in all my yrs in the med field and I have known several docs over the yrs. who do NOT vaccinate their own children.'