Florida Kayaker Has Close Call With Enormous Shark

Closer call? That's a basking shark. It filters plankton for food like a whale shark. They're harmless.

Reminds me of my first dip in the Pacific years ago. Previopiusly I swam in freshwater lakes so I decided to open my eyes under water. When I did saw a ray under me that was bigger than I was. Harmless but I came ouit of the water like a Polaris missile. Very scary at the time but of course, in retrospect............

Was driving from Baton Rouge to New Orleans yesterday, and looking at all the swamp land along I-10, and imagining all the creatures (namely gators) that were in those swamps. I also saw on the 20 mile bridge over Lake Ponchatrain, that a car went over the rail and into the water. Never was a big LA fan until this trip.

Was driving from Baton Rouge to New Orleans yesterday, and looking at all the swamp land along I-10, and imagining all the creatures (namely gators) that were in those swamps. I also saw on the 20 mile bridge over Lake Ponchatrain, that a car went over the rail and into the water. Never was a big LA fan until this trip.

Check this out:


Another reason I don't kayak in water that has anything much bigger than me in it.

Closer call? That's a basking shark. It filters plankton for food like a whale shark. They're harmless.

the guy actually got in the water and swam with it.

It would be a bit scary before realizing it was a basking shark.

agreed....my heart would have stopped beating seeing it approach.

ummm, it would be swimming in something that would be leaving my body uncontrollably and head in the opposite direction.

Was driving from Baton Rouge to New Orleans yesterday, and looking at all the swamp land along I-10, and imagining all the creatures (namely gators) that were in those swamps. I also saw on the 20 mile bridge over Lake Ponchatrain, that a car went over the rail and into the water. Never was a big LA fan until this trip.

I think that it is the largest bridge in the US. Of course they call them causeways and their counties are called Parishes.

If you get a chance, go on a swamp tour. They feed the gators with marshmellows

Well, where I live your biggest threat Kayaking is getting run over by a boat. I love my little boat and would freak out totally if something that big was under the water with me.
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