FLM's next to go?


Anyone hear that they are going to clear out some of the flm's? Too few reps in pods mean drs are getting really sick of seeing them. Listen up FLM's. Stop with the ride-alongs so often, drs hate this and are starting to shut down, esp if you are there.

How SWEET it would be to see about half of them go.

They serve no purpose at all, other than getting in the way of the rep & Dr. while in the office. They're a big SUCK of money for the company and do nothing for the bottom line! Every rep could submit their expense report into home office for approval, thus saving $, and to make sure reps are on the up and up with their messaging, Novartis could have regionals do ride alongs with reps every few months. When will Novartis learn that eliminating these useless positions (KAMS/BRMS's included), would put more money into their pockets??? I've been around the block longer than the majority of these KAMS/BRMs and can tell you that Novartis is WASTING THEIR MONEY! A sales rep could do what they're doing at half the cost!

They serve no purpose at all, other than getting in the way of the rep & Dr. while in the office. They're a big SUCK of money for the company and do nothing for the bottom line! Every rep could submit their expense report into home office for approval, thus saving $, and to make sure reps are on the up and up with their messaging, Novartis could have regionals do ride alongs with reps every few months. When will Novartis learn that eliminating these useless positions (KAMS/BRMS's included), would put more money into their pockets??? I've been around the block longer than the majority of these KAMS/BRMs and can tell you that Novartis is WASTING THEIR MONEY! A sales rep could do what they're doing at half the cost!

I agree with you. FLMs/BRMs/KAMs suck the life out of a room when the rep and provider are there. I've been here a long time too and remember when we actually sent expense reports directly to corporate. All FLMs really do is approve expense reports and ride with reps. We actually have a rep in our district who sends out emails/vmxs/texts about webcons, ilearns, training and the like. The FLM doesn't even do that! All of these people are too much weight for the bottom line! Get 'em outta here! Or at least reduce their numbers so that they are responsible for at least 20 reps.

GM's are a waste of time. In TN our MD does NOTHING!

The funny but sad part about FLM's/KAM's/RAM's/BRM's/MD's, is that many have been around so long now they're in their 40"s, 50"s, early 60's. It's hard enough to get another job when you're young and have some years ahead of you.
Think about it, since they spent the majority of their working life in pharma hoping to make this a career, then essentially they have no transferable skills to another company.
Employer to Interviewer - "So, tell me your day to day role as FLM/KAM/RAM/BRM/MD?" "Well, I approved expense reports, rode around in the field with my reps disrupting offices, made my reps sweat by my bogus Field Coaching Reports, beat them over their heads at sales meetings making myself look good in front of my MD, and I made sure I fired a few reps here and there or gave them a 1, as that was the path for my career advancement"! Sure would hate to be a laid-off FLM/KAM/RAM/BRM/MD with a huge mortgage/kids in college kind of thing with their bull-s*%t attitude trying to find new employment! HAVE FUN WITH THAT!!!

All the reps thinks managers do nothing, be concerned about your work and driving business and the managers would not have to baby sit.

OK - Mr. Manager. Enjoy your day of approving expense reports. Please keep in mind that it is everyones responsiblity to drive business; including your position. A majority of your reps do not need a "babysitter". If you have a tendency to treat your reps with a "babysitter" mentatlity then you are a typical Novartis FLM. Consider breaking out of that mold and become a partner with your representatives. I know it is a novel idea - what are your thoughts?

They serve no purpose at all, other than getting in the way of the rep & Dr. while in the office. They're a big SUCK of money for the company and do nothing for the bottom line! Every rep could submit their expense report into home office for approval, thus saving $, and to make sure reps are on the up and up with their messaging, Novartis could have regionals do ride alongs with reps every few months. When will Novartis learn that eliminating these useless positions (KAMS/BRMS's included), would put more money into their pockets??? I've been around the block longer than the majority of these KAMS/BRMs and can tell you that Novartis is WASTING THEIR MONEY! A sales rep could do what they're doing at half the cost!

Wow, so you think you could manage? Incredible. I guess that's why your still a rep and besides, if you were a good rep, you wouldn't be on this site bitching.

Wow, so you think you could manage? Incredible. I guess that's why your still a rep and besides, if you were a good rep, you wouldn't be on this site bitching.

I know of very few good reps who would want to manage. It's a mindless game of sitting in the passenger seat, typing up FCRs and approving expense reports. No autonomy to make any decisions. If you think you are calling the shots, you're fooling yourself. Most of you are mindless puppets who carry out the will of the RD. If you were a good manager, you wouldn't be here trying to figure out what's going on...you'd hear it from your reps.

All the reps thinks managers do nothing, be concerned about your work and driving business and the managers would not have to baby sit.

Baby sit? A reason managers ride so much with the reps is that managers will be selling to these accounts in the future and they need to get to know them before they eliminate the majority of the remaining reps. A reason managers ride with the reps so much is to run them off so the company doesn't have to pay a severance package. This coaching model is pure smoke and mirrors. The reason well over half these managers got their jobs is because they couldn't sell but they were up some RD's butt, a requirement to be in the good ole boy system. Over 90% of our region's managers are short white men, figure that one out. When are those sexual harrassment/race discrimination checks going out?

Over ten years with Novartis and nothing has changed! Managers are not managing, instead, they have become monitors! They don't enjoy the monitoring, but they have to follow rules too! Unfortunetly, the result of all these ride alongs has resulted in physician offices shutting down even faster and who blames them! Hire adults and treat them like adults- but hold them accountable for doing their jobs well and for their sales! Rotate the FLM's into a territory and let them walk the walk again, but they too need to have the ride alongs- only fare! Oh yes and let them enjoy calling on the same phyicians with their boss each time they ride with them! You know, this really has been a broken business model. The more you look, the more all big pharma looks same! Way too many levels of bean counters!

Company could fire every FLM tomorrow & nothing would change except, reps would be more motivated, customers would be happier, some other monkey could hit the button to approve expenses & the company's expenses would go way down.

FLM is an archaic relic of factory & early military models except in those scenarios they served a purpose.

The fact that you hire college graduates & then have to micro manage them is
justification enough for overtime pay.

Every thinking rational business minded person can see this except the monkeys at the top & their overpaid under-performing contracted consultants but then again what else is new.