Flights Cancelled for POA


Don't you hope that flights get cancelled for next weeks POA? WOuldnt it be great? With all the storms on east coast there is a good chance this might happen. I hope my flight gets cancelled and there is no flight available for the next 3 days. Oh happy days!

Don't you hope that flights get cancelled for next weeks POA? WOuldnt it be great? With all the storms on east coast there is a good chance this might happen. I hope my flight gets cancelled and there is no flight available for the next 3 days. Oh happy days!

spoken like a true winner. no wonder this company is going down.

I would rather sit at the airport for 3 days then go to the stupid POA, I would at least learn something at the airport, than be put to sleep by the boredom of sitting and listening to incompetents.

Well what idiot thought to hold a meeting in the middle of Jan during winter? Obviously there will be MANY weather delays at the very least. I remember one POA my flight was delayed for 12 hours due to a huricane.

Didn't you get the e-mail message Friday?

OB cancelled the POA!

Dum phuking $#it sent out the message to entire sales force but the retraction came from the DM's! Too embarrassed to let the sales force know how stupid he is!

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