Flex time position

Check out Tekturna on the web ..it is going to be a tough sell! Small patient population for use after the results of the Altitude study. To many safe other options for doctors!!

Tek is an ok drug...every drug has its quirks. We are not in the field yet...still training. I know my territory only has 30 calls for this product so I would not think it would be better than unemp;loyment. We will be getting Tamiflu back in the fall. Usually October through March. We also may get other contracts.

You get paid around 18-19 dollars per hour of training. I can't remember the exact amount but you do not get paid for the actual hours you study. Tekturna required many more hours than we were paid!!! Test very hard!! Think twice about this contract!! I am out of here I soon as I find something better!!

You get paid around 18-19 dollars per hour of training. I can't remember the exact amount but you do not get paid for the actual hours you study. Tekturna required many more hours than we were paid!!! Test very hard!! Think twice about this contract!! I am out of here I soon as I find something better!!
how many tests are there for Tekturna and which one was hard?

Hate passing on a job but just Leary about this flex time thing.

The best thing about this job is the flexibility. You work when you want. As long as you get your calls in it doesn't matter how you work your territory. This job is not for someone that is the sole income provider for the family. It is to unpredictable. There are some months when you can make a decent living and then some months where you have very little work. It doesn't work for everyone.

2 TESTS. The test on the PI was the hardest. Good luck!

This is one of the Novartis tests we recently had for Tekturna. Hope it helps. This was the only one I could find. If nothing else may give you areas to focus.

TKT – overeactive RAAS does
Augments vasoconstriction and inhibits vasodilation

2410 pts were required to have stage 2 hptn and 2 components of metabolic syndrome, which was not one of the conditions

TKT available 150-300 capsules

B/c DRI ultimately reduces angiotensin IIlevels – TKT primarily
Decreases vasoconstriction

Uresin trial, which markers of RAAS were shown to be reduced when TKt added to acei
PRA, Aldosterone

Tkt tier 2 coverage and low copay

Gordon study RAAS measured by PRA –
Did not significantly decrease

Study 2409 was designed to determine TKT HCT 300/25 would be inferior to amlodipine 10mg in recucing SBP in pts w/ stage 2 hypertension and diabetes

Tkt PRA is reduced by

PI Tkt HCT serum electrolytes should be determined

Which following statements is correct regarding discontinuation of Tkt
Abrupt increases in blood pressure or plasma renin activity w/ discontinuation were not associated w/ Tkt when used w/ comb therapy

Tkt – overactive RAAS does what
Augments vasoconstriction and inhibits vasodilations

Renin produced in kidney
Juxtaglomerular cells

Tkt belongs to which class

Daily dose can be increased to

W&P – Tkt HCT – associated w/ use of hydrochlorothiazides include the following except
Cardiac impairment

Binding to and inhibiting renin at the first and rate – limiting step of the RAAS, Tkt reduces which of these key contributors to hypertension
All of the above - ang 1, ang2, and aldosterone

What % of SBP reductions were maintained 4 days after last dose of Tkt 300 – Oh trial (2308)

Recommended start dose of Tkt for pts 65 and older
150 once daily

Discontinuation rates
Tekturna 2.2% - TkT HCT 2.7%

Hypertensive pts, treatment w Tkt ____________ plasma renin activity

After Tkt binds w/ renin, renin is unable to bind w/

Physiologic mechanisms that raise blood pressure when it is too low, and lower blood pressure when it is too high are part of

US 03 study Tkt HCT was not shown to be superior to amlodipine in Af Amer pts w/ stage 2 hypertension, however each arm achieved a 29mm reduction in SBP

Gordon study – RAAS activity as measured by PRA, ____________ in response to angiotensinII in hypertensive diabetic pts
Did not significantly decrease

Clinical trials, bp lowering effects of Tkt monotherapy were
All of the above – dose related, statistically significant compared w/ placebo, seen w/ once daily administration

Trial of mild to moderate hypertensive pts w/ controlled diabetes which ACE inhibitor was used in comb w/ Tkt 300 mgs and how much more S
Ramipril 10mg, 40%

Well, I see the position here has been filled. Pretty bad when someone with my experience and relationships doesn't even warrant an interview. Guess they just want a newbie to go around and get signatures.