Flex time? No employee retention


Flex time has been a joke with this company, almost to the point of labor board notification.
How is this a flexible job when you have mandatory meetings or teleconferences on your day off? How is that flexible?
Why do Full time employees get 18-21 days off but flextime gets 6, really? No benefits, no car, wow people will soon be leaving.

Ventiv: If you want to recruit more companies to "partner" with then treat your flex time employees with more respect. How great is it to say "Yes Pfizer we can get 200 nurses to work for you, uhhh however on our AstraZeneca contract its a 50% turnover rate".
Seriously they hired 89 flextime nurses 52 of them have quit on the AZ contract.
Ventiv will not be able to promote their business with a high turnover rate.

Well they say here, for you to work part time you get the benefits of working 3 days.
However they is always something to get done and it puts you over 24 hours a week.