Fleming O v. Miles H


Nestle sold Galderma to EQT. Stuart had no say in the matter. He was a victim like all of us. FO was hired by EQT long before the deal was sealed.

Victim my arse! Remember project rise where Stuart fired at least 1/3 of the global employees to prep Galderma for sale. Stuart made big $$$$ from Nestle to cut costs and sell to EQT. Ask the real victims on my dev team in Sophia how that went. Then EQT and FO paid him more $$$$ to be on the board for a while before they paid more big $$$$ to him to go away.

Victim my arse! Remember project rise where Stuart fired at least 1/3 of the global employees to prep Galderma for sale. Stuart made big $$$$ from Nestle to cut costs and sell to EQT. Ask the real victims on my dev team in Sophia how that went. Then EQT and FO paid him more $$$$ to be on the board for a while before they paid more big $$$$ to him to go away.
Remind us how many new drugs came from your development team in Sophia???? Rx is struggling because of your failure to deliver. Great job Thibaud!