Fleming is from Satan’s asshole


Flemming destroyed companies and damaged the lives of the employees. Incompetent, selfish and arrogant is no way to go through life. I feel bad for the employees still working for him.

The management at Galderma cannot lead. The employees are brain washed to do what they are told. Its a soap opera that’s not televised with all the nonsense drama Flemming & co causes in this company.

Just a word of warning—do not trust Flemming. He’s destroyed careers, lied and maligned people who trusted him. This post could be from dozens of people. No one deserves working for him. He is the most evil CEO only waiting to cash in.

It is rare to have such a collection of sociopaths, snake-oil liars, phonies, back stabbers and just simply bad people in one company. It’s like a corporate circus that just keeps on growing. Somehow EQT/Galderma/ Flemming managed to pull it off by replacing all of the smart leaders in less than 12 months.

It is rare to have such a collection of sociopaths, snake-oil liars, phonies, back stabbers and just simply bad people in one company. It’s like a corporate circus that just keeps on growing. Somehow EQT/Galderma/ Flemming managed to pull it off by replacing all of the smart leaders in less than 12 months.
So true!

Almost all of the people that have exhibited trust and have tried wherever possible to provide long-term value to the company are have been urged out over the past two years. The weasels that pose as management view them and their kind as not to be trusted to exhibit the current team value of untrustworthiness. Imagine a company in which those that really sacrifice to do the right thing are considered threats!

The problem in this company is that the same 2 dysfunctional, maniacal people somehow continue to hold on to their jobs (EQT, why?). This company could have been something great but as long as Thomas and Flemming are in control the amazingly high turnover and misery will never stop.
These people are the creepiest people I have ever worked for. They revel in knowing that people despise them.
And now we have chaos in the US on top of an already bad situation.

Flemming, plastering your cold, expressionless and emotionless face in a video on social media just shows how detached from reality you are. No one wants to see you. No one wants to hear you. No one wants to work with you.