Fleet orders


All you information hounds answer this one just for my curiousity:

If Novartis planned this all, then why did they just not hold off on the new car orders?
There will be hundreds of cars that have no rep so if they knew this was all going down, why didnt they just say "No rotation until the spring" It will definitely end up costing them money

Just askin??

All you information hounds answer this one just for my curiousity:

If Novartis planned this all, then why did they just not hold off on the new car orders?
There will be hundreds of cars that have no rep so if they knew this was all going down, why didnt they just say "No rotation until the spring" It will definitely end up costing them money

Just askin??

Simple answer dimmy , these decisions of huge importance NEVER trickle down to ,oh , say the 'fleet dept' . Do you honestly think a company that pisses away BILLIONS gives a flying fuck about a few cars ?

Holy moly it's like God gave out all the stupid to novartis employees from vasella on down

Simple answer dimmy , these decisions of huge importance NEVER trickle down to ,oh , say the 'fleet dept' . Do you honestly think a company that pisses away BILLIONS gives a flying fuck about a few cars ?

Holy moly it's like God gave out all the stupid to novartis employees from vasella on down

WoW someone needs to take a Xanex or something stronger....calm down, the OP was just asking a question!!

All you information hounds answer this one just for my curiousity:

If Novartis planned this all, then why did they just not hold off on the new car orders?
There will be hundreds of cars that have no rep so if they knew this was all going down, why didnt they just say "No rotation until the spring" It will definitely end up costing them money

Just askin??

Whenever you ask a question about why the company is doing something, think about liability, lawsuits and money. Reps driving around in cars with 80k on the odometer presents a potential liability. They have to make it look like they were at least trying to do the right thing from a safety perspective to reduce risk of huge payouts if you were to say, run over someone because your brakes failed. Also, it's probably built into the contract with the leasing company that they can cancel orders with minimum penalty.

Correct- they get the pricing by committing to buying a certain number of cars per year from the manufacturer. They know how many they need from projections in the system with oil changes and gas fills. If they order less they pay a small fee/less discount but can cancel at anytime