Fixed duration positions??

He is being a smart alec.....or as we say here....a smart ass.

But the truth is that some fixed duration recruits are being promised longer durations than the whole corporation will last.

Fixed duration at Lilly is an absolute bottom of the barrel job.

Don't do it.

We have plenty of fixed duration positions. Bend over and take it for as long of a duration as you please.

BTW, our FTE positions are roughly similar with group rape at PM time.

Hope that helps.


How difficult is it to endure the fixed duration period? Are you'll being serious about a life-long duration position or are you being a smart alec?

All right, everyone else is being a jerk. However, if you truly have any inkling that an FDE position here has a future, you must be manic bipolar. First of all, they'll be offered for all the rest of us about to be laid off and lose our jobs, (oh sorry Lilly doesn't do THAT, we'll be "reallocated"). Secondly, even if you did happen to land one, you might only have the position long enough to go through three weeks of ridiculously stupid training, and then be laid off like the rest of us. Read plenty of other threads about people losing their jobs and the purpose of FDE to begin with, which was to have personnel that could be easily cut when the time arose (ie: anytime now, through the patent expiration of Cymbalta). Don't waste your time----look elsewhere. If this is the best hope you have, the writing's already on the wall. Not trying to be a total jerk here like others----just stating the truth, which none of us like.

We have plenty of fixed duration positions. Bend over and take it for as long of a duration as you please.

BTW, our FTE positions are roughly similar with group rape at PM time.

Hope that helps.


Actually, the definition of a "fixed duration position" has been changed with HR Bulletin 381.2 Rev4. The FDP is now for not as long as you please, but for as long as they want you in that bent over position. In the earlier revision, Rev 3, there was a typo. Rev 4 just goes back to the way it has always been here.

Firstly, you have to understand none of us "get" company cars. A deduction is made from every paycheck. The amount just happens to be nearly the same as what it takes to lease a Ford Fusion for anyone. So, essentially we pay the lease.

I've been told these positions usually last 2 years. Is that the average for Fixed duration positions? I realize that Lilly can "reallocate" your position at any time, but if you're doing a good job, REALISTICALLY, how long do these positions last? Is there really an opportunity to "roll over" to a 2nd term fixed duration. I'm trying to make a serious decision here and would appreciate any help. This is my only opportunity in pharma. sales, but I have other opportunities. I really want the pharma. position, but I don't want to enter an environment where my job is continually in jeopardy. I will take the time to ready the other threads this weekend. PLEASE HELP--are there any positive experiences with fixed duration positions? THANKS

Ummmm....HELLOOOO. Based on your request for real and honest answers, I'll be as nice as I can. The OBVIOUS answer is NO, there is absolutely no job security for pharma jobs, and especially an FDE. By definition, a fixed duration means it does not have job security. Double duh on that one. The company is telling you that right up front so you don't have any expectations. If you're still willing to take the job, I guess that's your desperate choice.

OK, so pharma is your first choice. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say we all wanted/liked our jobs 10 YEARS AGO. Pharma isn't the same any longer and we can thank the generics and India for that fiasco. Then you can thank the government for all kinds of rules and limitations. And companies for not using common sense and realistic means to begin with before all the rules had to be put in place. The old stereotype of what pharma sales was years ago, IS LONG GONE. It simply doesn't exist any longer and isn't going to be coming back. We're all worried about our jobs, in this company and most others.

If you have other opportunities, but somehow think an FDE temp job here will rise to the top, I'll again try to be nice. Throw away your stereotypes and dreams and get over the wannabe newbie babble. Some of us have been there and done that, but it was years ago back when you'd open a sample closet and boxes of antihypertensives and cholesterol meds fell out. It's OVER. Job security and pharma shouldn't even be used in the same paragraph. There is no such thing. Get off your unicorn and grow up.

I'm trying to make a serious decision here and would appreciate any help. This is my only opportunity in pharma. sales, but I have other opportunities. I really want the pharma. position, but I don't want to enter an environment where my job is continually in jeopardy.

Then you had better not try for the pharma job. There's rarely a day that goes by without worrying about our jobs being in jeopardy. Even so called permanent employees know very well their jobs can end at a moment's notice, especially now with the company going up against some difficult times at least for a few years. Beyond that, no one knows what will happen anyway. Thus, the answer to your question about continuing with additional 2 year terms---there is absolutely no way to even begin to know that. We don't even know if we'll have jobs by the time Cymbalta is generic.

I was told that 95% of field sales positions at Lilly were Fixed Duration Positions, so how are any of you that are giving such sage advice employed? No one replying here works in a fixed duration position? If you are working in a fixed duration position, why do you hate your job?

I'm thinking you either misunderstood or are somehow mistaken. FDE hiring began in approx March 2010, so anyone hired from there on would likely be in an FDE position. Prior to March 2010, new hires were in a permanent status. Going back further, the FDE policy had also been used some other time, but I don't know the dates.

I'm pretty sure 95% of our employees haven't been hired since March 2010!

Perhaps the individual meant 95% of new hires. Either way, there was miscommunication and I apologize. Are there ANY happy people in FDE positions? I realize that the people that are the happiest in their positions are usually not on cafepharma, but does anybody know anyone who's satisfied with an FDE position?