Five to stay alive


Are you ready for the next sales contest?

Five to stay alive. Have 5 nhv patients by 12-31 or we will cut your mileage reimbursement rate from 20 cents to 8 cents per mile. With Medicare tightening up and lowering reimburse rates this is how we will motivate our staff to "cash in while Medicare will still pay through their teeth" go get em!

Whoever this is please refer to the social media policy and stop coming here. If you have a problem please address it with your locations manager who can address your concerns. Lincare has not made any threats to any employee. We have actually increased wages and mileage allotments. Please stop spreading lies.

Whoever this is please refer to the social media policy and stop coming here. If you have a problem please address it with your locations manager who can address your concerns. Lincare has not made any threats to any employee. We have actually increased wages and mileage allotments. Please stop spreading lies.

I am not the original poster:

1st- You have also violated this policy by posting the above response. Further, I find it absolutely comical that Lincare has to threaten employees with disciplinary actions for speaking the truth. If Lincare really wants to keep employees off social media, then work to improve the culture within Lincare!!

2nd- ASMs often act in their own, so the threat of 5 vents may not be a corporate policy, but I wouldn't put it past an ASM.

3rd- Please explain how mileage reimbursement has improved???

I am not the original poster:

1st- You have also violated this policy by posting the above response. Further, I find it absolutely comical that Lincare has to threaten employees with disciplinary actions for speaking the truth. If Lincare really wants to keep employees off social media, then work to improve the culture within Lincare!!

2nd- ASMs often act in their own, so the threat of 5 vents may not be a corporate policy, but I wouldn't put it past an ASM.

3rd- Please explain how mileage reimbursement has improved???

1. Never did I make a threat. Simply asking the original poster to refer to the social media policy regarding confidential company info. I feel that we have boosted the culture. Wages are as high as they have ever been and reimbursements are as low as they've ever been. We've made it clear that because of the great people within the company, we have continued to be profitable and continue to be the highest payrolled dme in the nation for years to come. With that all said in order to maintain this growth we need to rid ourselves of the cancer we have such as the original poster.

2. This is not a policy we have never made a threat to cut someone's pay or job because of not hitting an unattainable goal. I challenge you to find me one example.

3. We offer mileage reimbursement and additional reimbursement based on the aaa gas rate. Most companies just tell you to deduct your losses from your taxes. On top of that the average location has three company vehicles in which one on the average is not being used. Drive the truck of you don't like your mileage reimbursement for god sake.

1. Never did I make a threat. Simply asking the original poster to refer to the social media policy regarding confidential company info. I feel that we have boosted the culture. Wages are as high as they have ever been and reimbursements are as low as they've ever been. We've made it clear that because of the great people within the company, we have continued to be profitable and continue to be the highest payrolled dme in the nation for years to come. With that all said in order to maintain this growth we need to rid ourselves of the cancer we have such as the original poster.

2. This is not a policy we have never made a threat to cut someone's pay or job because of not hitting an unattainable goal. I challenge you to find me one example.

3. We offer mileage reimbursement and additional reimbursement based on the aaa gas rate. Most companies just tell you to deduct your losses from your taxes. On top of that the average location has three company vehicles in which one on the average is not being used. Drive the truck of you don't like your mileage reimbursement for god sake.

How do you feel the culture has been boosted?

Employee development?
Encouraging & rewarding forward thinking & hard work?
Discouraging verbal threats & abuse from CM, ASM's?

I haven't a clue to what your position is within the company. You sound sincere in your loyalty and effort to make Lincare a better place to work.

With that said I am astonished at the ongoing treatment of all levels of employees on an ongoing basis from CM & ASMs alike. This behavior would not be tolerated at any other corporation I have worked for. These managers would be terminated in the spot for their abusive unprofessional treatment if their staff

You can stick your head in the sand and say it doesn't exist if you like, but unfortunately it is very widespread...

How do you feel the culture has been boosted?

Employee development?
Encouraging & rewarding forward thinking & hard work?
Discouraging verbal threats & abuse from CM, ASM's?

I haven't a clue to what your position is within the company. You sound sincere in your loyalty and effort to make Lincare a better place to work.

With that said I am astonished at the ongoing treatment of all levels of employees on an ongoing basis from CM & ASMs alike. This behavior would not be tolerated at any other corporation I have worked for. These managers would be terminated in the spot for their abusive unprofessional treatment if their staff

You can stick your head in the sand and say it doesn't exist if you like, but unfortunately it is very widespread...

Please share the location codes you are referring to and I will get to work. We have corporate trainers, health care managers, and csr managers frequent every office and this is the first I have heard of this abuse. If it is a problem I would hope employees would speak up about it. Again let me know locations and I promise to investigate. There is no room for abusive managers.

Oh, and if there was an extra vehicle to drive I would based on mileage reimbursement rates less than half the IRS rates!!

We pay 31 cents a mile up to 1636 miles. We are currently 11 cents to every mile so that is 42 cents per mile. Irs rate is not 84 cents per mile. Gas here is at 2.05 a gallon. Get a little mpg car with 35 mpg and you have only spent $95 in gas for the month. For those miles the company transfers $684.12 to you.

That's about $600 in your pocket per month for wear and tear and maintenance. Not too bad of a deal if you ask me!

Please share the location codes you are referring to and I will get to work. We have corporate trainers, health care managers, and csr managers frequent every office and this is the first I have heard of this abuse. If it is a problem I would hope employees would speak up about it. Again let me know locations and I promise to investigate. There is no room for abusive managers.

I can only assure you that there is a very low trust factor among employees to go to senior management or HR for that matter with complaints. Of the employees I know personally that have gone to HR or senior management each & every case the complaint went directly back to the CM. The employees that entrusted HR and/or senior management did not stay very long afterwards due to the repercussions.

Again, if you truly wish for the culture of this company to improve you first must get an accurate picture of what is going on out in the field.

We pay 31 cents a mile up to 1636 miles. We are currently 11 cents to every mile so that is 42 cents per mile. Irs rate is not 84 cents per mile. Gas here is at 2.05 a gallon. Get a little mpg car with 35 mpg and you have only spent $95 in gas for the month. For those miles the company transfers $684.12 to you.

That's about $600 in your pocket per month for wear and tear and maintenance. Not too bad of a deal if you ask me!

That is not accurate. Especially from 1636 to 2000, and how about those reps with large rural territories who go over 2000?

That is not accurate. Especially from 1636 to 2000, and how about those reps with large rural territories who go over 2000?

I encourage reps in large territories to get more done on their longer road trips and spend more time in their higher populated areas. The mileage reimbursement is setup that way to encourage them to work in this way. Reps should not be driving more than 2000 miles per month and if they are a change needs to be made. I see mileage reimbursement very competitive compared to what other companies offer and when I'm out in the field I hear no complaints. I see reps happy with it and if they aren't they make up for it with some very nice commissions so I thought it was a non issue. If it is an issue for you if be happy to visit with you to see what we need to tweak.

I can only assure you that there is a very low trust factor among employees to go to senior management or HR for that matter with complaints. Of the employees I know personally that have gone to HR or senior management each & every case the complaint went directly back to the CM. The employees that entrusted HR and/or senior management did not stay very long afterwards due to the repercussions.

Again, if you truly wish for the culture of this company to improve you first must get an accurate picture of what is going on out in the field.

This is news to me and trust me I spend half of my time in the field. Can you give me an idea of the area this is happening in? I don't want to single you out but I would be happy to swoop in and make a difference I will need to know where to go to make an immediate impact though.

By the way I must remain anonymous here but trust me I am a mover and a shaker. I'm not here to be your friend but as long as you are for growth I am on your side 100 percent.

I encourage reps in large territories to get more done on their longer road trips and spend more time in their higher populated areas. The mileage reimbursement is setup that way to encourage them to work in this way. Reps should not be driving more than 2000 miles per month and if they are a change needs to be made. I see mileage reimbursement very competitive compared to what other companies offer and when I'm out in the field I hear no complaints. I see reps happy with it and if they aren't they make up for it with some very nice commissions so I thought it was a non issue. If it is an issue for you if be happy to visit with you to see what we need to tweak.

I do very well compared to my counterparts in not only my area, but also my region. If you do spend half your time in the field are you aware how much time reps spend running cmn's, picking up & dropping off overnights, making deliveries, doing setups, etc etc. This adds up to many miles and less time in the files being productive

The only reason I am even bothering to respond and offer input is in the hopes that someone at corporate will finally get a clear picture to what is really going on in the field and make positive strides to improve.

Take a look at the national turnover rate of sales reps. Most reps in our area last a year or less....

"I don't want to single you out but I would be happy to swoop in and make a difference I will need to know where to go to make an immediate impact though."

Seems more like a threat than anything else.

I do very well compared to my counterparts in not only my area, but also my region. If you do spend half your time in the field are you aware how much time reps spend running cmn's, picking up & dropping off overnights, making deliveries, doing setups, etc etc. This adds up to many miles and less time in the files being productive

The only reason I am even bothering to respond and offer input is in the hopes that someone at corporate will finally get a clear picture to what is really going on in the field and make positive strides to improve.

Take a look at the national turnover rate of sales reps. Most reps in our area last a year or less....

I would be very interested in learning what centers reps don't have time for actual sales calls. We employ csr's and even csr's at billing centers for cmns. We employ service reps and Hcs to do setups. Service reps should also be picking up and dropping off overnights as well as deliveries. That's what we pay these people for believe it or not! If that's not what's happening is like to know where. In these cases this is a management problem. In other words your cm needs some training how to manage people to do their job. Either that or he needs to be shown the door.

"I don't want to single you out but I would be happy to swoop in and make a difference I will need to know where to go to make an immediate impact though."

Seems more like a threat than anything else.

It's not a threat it's a promise. As a sales rep you are here to grow your center. If you are struggling with a dis functional office I'd love to hear it. I get the feeling now this really is a problem at multiple offices.

Look at the O2 growth numbers & how many centers have little or negative growth month after month. The widespread center problems cannot come as a shock to anyone at corporate.

Or maybe it's time to clean house starting at the top and working down.

Look at the O2 growth numbers & how many centers have little or negative growth month after month. The widespread center problems cannot come as a shock to anyone at corporate.

Or maybe it's time to clean house starting at the top and working down.

I can assure you your management team in Clearwater is all on the same page. Your team of regional and area managers also appears to be on the same page. For some reason there is a disconnect at the center level and I will not stop until I identify this disconnect.

If you didn't like the mileage reimbursement why did you agree to the job in the first place? We haven't changed this but we have paid out more and more money for this expense every month.

Seriously I'm open to suggestions. I am sensing a lack of management skills at the center manager level. Do we need to clean house? Or do we need to send cm's to a two week qp3 type of training for management?