First Stryker Interview


I am transitioning into medical device sales from a professional athletic career. Any good examples of what to expect from the initaial HR interview with stryker. I am trying to prepare as thoroughly as possible although I know this is a fairly easy interview. What are they asking here and who are they trying to weed out? Thank you for any help.

I am transitioning into medical device sales from a professional athletic career. Any good examples of what to expect from the initaial HR interview with stryker. I am trying to prepare as thoroughly as possible although I know this is a fairly easy interview. What are they asking here and who are they trying to weed out? Thank you for any help.

They're trying to weed out people who think that the interview process and the job are going to be easy based on the interviewees experience in professional athletics. Get a clue! this is a whole different ballgame and nothing should be taken for granted. What a fool!

If you read my first post, you would realize when I said "easy" I was referring to only the hr interview. I know the process as a whole is difficult and includes a Gallup test and about 6 face to face interviews in one visit. I know that you seem to waste your time reading boards and giving negative feedback that might be the product of insignificance in whatever you do. Maybe that isn't the case, but I hope it's not your everyday policy to call people idiots who are asking for advice. Everyone knows something that you don't, and don't you ever forget it. Someone helped you get to where you are. With that said I am still looking for someone willing to help that has info on the first hr interview with Stryker.

If you read my first post, you would realize when I said "easy" I was referring to only the hr interview. I know the process as a whole is difficult and includes a Gallup test and about 6 face to face interviews in one visit. I know that you seem to waste your time reading boards and giving negative feedback that might be the product of insignificance in whatever you do. Maybe that isn't the case, but I hope it's not your everyday policy to call people idiots who are asking for advice. Everyone knows something that you don't, and don't you ever forget it. Someone helped you get to where you are. With that said I am still looking for someone willing to help that has info on the first hr interview with Stryker.
Been over that post several times. Don't see where the term idiot was used. My advice is, leave the professional athlete bull shit at the door. It will mean nothing, except that you probably have the usual sense of entitlement that coddled athletes in this business have.

As a former athlete (college only) I would like to add light to this post. I believe the poster is just informing us of his last job. He did not brag in any way. I myself believe that playing college basketball gave me many of my qualifications for my current rep job. Most important of those is thriving among competition and sticking to a plan. With the new political agenda I imagine it's hard to call the top earners as people who feel entitled. Stryker is definitely hiring many former athletes because they recognize the success many athletes have in the business. Now for the hr interview. It is very general about your past experience and allowing them to see how serious and enthusiastic about the job you are. I would just make sure you can relate your previous on field experiences with sales settings for your next career. If you have any passion you should pass this interview and the future interviews are where the true candidates are found. Lots of info on those on the boards. Hope this helps and good luck.

As a former professional athlete as well, the first interview they will definitely ask you about your athletics. They want to hear that you are aggressive, competitive, and willing to do whatever it takes.

Being a professional athlete shows work ethic and dedication being able to make it to the highest level in your sport.

dont sweat the first hr interview, its the easiest of them all.

Met a Rep who said he played for Ohio St. At the nsm I introduced him to a former Ohio st athlete and turns out he was full of shit the whole time. Just cause you sniff the jock straps don't think your better then someone who actually earned their degree through education, not a free sports ride.

Too bad most "has been" athletes can't help but exaggerate their accomplishments and backing themselves into a corner. Guy who got me into med device business spun a great college football story that was complete BS and he kept getting called out and skipped through many jobs telling the same BS and never learned the BS or developed solid friendships. Very sad actually. Ran into A Stryker manager who had to rattle off his college tennis resume before he got to what he actually did for a living, which he was least informed on. What a goofball. If you don't think customers eventually figure you out, guess again. My ex-buddy has been in and out of jobs running from device company to the next singing the same stupid song.

Though I played, it never is a part of my rap, has nothing to thewith the product I sell, and watched too many "has beens" get hit between eyes by somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody and it never ends right.

I am a Professional Athlete as well and you idiots trolling and bashing probably got your ass kicked by us every day growing up so you show resentment now because you have a S***** sales job.

I am a Professional Athlete as well and you idiots trolling and bashing probably got your ass kicked by us every day growing up so you show resentment now because you have a S***** sales job.

So proud of you hearing you kicked kids asses growing up...typical Stryker meathead douche sales rep. Professional athlete?? My guess is you played 2 games for the Wyoming Calvary in the American Indoor Football Association In 2009 as a second string lineman before you got cut because you sucked. Congrats on you career.

So proud of you hearing you kicked kids asses growing up...typical Stryker meathead douche sales rep. Professional athlete?? My guess is you played 2 games for the Wyoming Calvary in the American Indoor Football Association In 2009 as a second string lineman before you got cut because you sucked. Congrats on you career.
Correction...your career

as a previous professional athlete, I know that I will make it at Stryker because I Fu<k chicks, get money, and lift heavy a$$ $hit bros. I f’cking slay sales bros. Straight up, walk to the ortho doc say hey bro didn’t we play each other in D1 football, slap the lil bitch zimmer rep in the fleshy sac where his lil balls used to be, knock out a total,crush some Heinekens with said ortho doc, then go crush some puss with him later. It’s all because I was a pro tho.

Brahs!!!!! That last post got me so jacked, I had to crush 6 tbsps of straight, sweet, pure nitric oxide and triple set bi’s, tri’s, quads, hamis, and abductors. But not adductors. Not on the same day as bi’s. I may be a jacked ex-D1 athlete, but I’m not stupid! Been looking for a reason to take my talents to med device. Sounds like Stryker cares about the things that really matter in healthcare being super jacked, working out, supersetting, triple setting, being an athlete, that crystal white preworkout powder, two a days, having muscles (not to be confused with being super jacked), responsible injection cycling, and blastin’ that sweet trim after a strip club visit with your high volume ortho doc!!! The obvious next logical career move for a man with my skills is to join Stryker! Who do I call to negotiate salary and beni’s with???

Brahs!!!!! That last post got me so jacked, I had to crush 6 tbsps of straight, sweet, pure nitric oxide and triple set bi’s, tri’s, quads, hamis, and abductors. But not adductors. Not on the same day as bi’s. I may be a jacked ex-D1 athlete, but I’m not stupid! Been looking for a reason to take my talents to med device. Sounds like Stryker cares about the things that really matter in healthcare being super jacked, working out, supersetting, triple setting, being an athlete, that crystal white preworkout powder, two a days, having muscles (not to be confused with being super jacked), responsible injection cycling, and blastin’ that sweet trim after a strip club visit with your high volume ortho doc!!! The obvious next logical career move for a man with my skills is to join Stryker! Who do I call to negotiate salary and beni’s with???

Bro, you’re hyping merge fuuuuuck up!!! Cardiologist said it’s not good for my heart. But fuck that lil Kook, I am an ex-athlete, severe CTE, and a huge Hog. Seriously. Huge hog. I always go for the small sized scrub pants, even though my fucking legs are huge, to show off my equals sign. Ball, dick, ball. Fucking nurses love that shit cuz my D&B’s are so fucking giant. One time, during a case, fucking female resident got distracted when she looked down and saw my equals sign, she gasped. Bitch gasped. Fucking resident gasped aloud when she saw my hog. That’s the kinda hog I got. Got a Stryker hog. Sup babes

Posts like this used to make me laugh, but now they just make me sad. I liked the years I spent at Stryker, but bros like this became too commonplace. I took my talents elsewhere, where I’m not covering cases all weekend and making much more money. Stryker is amateur med device.

Bro. BRO. Yeah...well...posts like yours are the kind that used to make me sad, then they made me laugh, then they made me sad again, then they made me rage, then they made me laugh, again, just like your face does!! Bro, I’m out here crushing reps, crushing quotas, crushing beav, crushing pills...I ain’t got time for losers like you in purple jeggin’ scrubs selling diaper pads and pee pee bowls. I walk into the OR, I walk out with a PO. When you’re striated like I am, you can’t lose!