First Item of Business for KK


Get rid of the KAM (Key Account Manager Positions) positions in Pacific Northwest, California, Minnesota, and Boston...these ex-managers are collecting a paycheck but have no metrics to show they are providing any part of the bottom line to the company. They all suck so bad and it's time after 2 years for KK to ax them all.

If you could also get rid of the Adult Specialty Roles as well that would be great. They call on providers who only prescribe Short Acting medications and will not change that mentality. Their territories are also super low volume so they don't even bring in enough Vyvanse scripts to pay for their own salaries. Just cut all of the KAM positions and these and we would be find. Thanks KK!

Get rid of the KAM (Key Account Manager Positions) positions in Pacific Northwest, California, Minnesota, and Boston...these ex-managers are collecting a paycheck but have no metrics to show they are providing any part of the bottom line to the company. They all suck so bad and it's time after 2 years for KK to ax them all.

Word on the street is that JC in Protland will be the first KAM position to be let go.

Get rid of 3/4 Zone Directors. They do nothing that brings in $ for this company. I saw half of them sleeping at one of the Town Hall meetings. KK will drive half of them out anyway!