Fired - what info does HR give out to prospective employers?


Hey I would like some feedback from someone who actually knows. I was fired. I want to know exactly what information Forest gives out to prospective employers. A lot of applications want you to sign a waiver to release all types of information including numbers and performance reviews. Will Forest give this information out? What if you don't want them to? The applications say you must sign or you will not be considered for employment! It's no wonder there is a problem with unemployment in the US!

Companies today will only give out the basics: dates of employment, salary, title - all because of the risk of being sued. However, our industry is rather small, and many hiring managers will make an effort to get information about you and your performance "off the record" fom someone they know at your previous company.

Usually any industry date of employment & title by phone. Salary must be done by written request. I think potential employers can only ask "would you hire former employee back"

I am pretty sure Forest will only verify dates of employment. Nothing else. Even if you sign some waiver. However Forest might have felt about you is still just their opinion. Nothing will be released. Their is too much liability.

Now on the other hand, if you are looking to stay in the industry the hiring manager will probably ask around about you and use that feedback to make a decision. They will never admit it but in the quiet of their own mind it will play a part.

Why were you fired? Just curious. I have absolutely no idea who you are and could never guess. People leave Forest every day. Literally.

Good luck.

Tell us what we really want to know. What did you do to get fired?

what you were fired for ?This can be a be important. And how many people know?
If you apply to a competitor, they will surely find out. However, if you apply for a small company and a product that did not compete with forest, you may have a better chance they may not find out.
You will probably want to avoid appling for a company that could have any way of finding out information from some of your former colleagues.

I know of several people that have been fired from pharma companies that were rehired by other pharma companies. People fired from Forest that were able to move on to better jobs, people fired from other pharma that were hired by Forest. So, don't worry too much about it. Most companies these days don't divulge more than they have to (dates, title, etc.).

I know for a fact that the only info Forest will ever give a potential employer is job title and dates of employment. Like a poster said previously, companies are to concerned with being sued, they will not risk slandering a former employee. Good luck to you. Being fired was probably the best thing that could have happened to you. Forest sucks.