Fired from ABBVie and interviewing with Abbott


What are my chances?? In the interview I was asked why I left and just said the new position was a promotion, which is true it was. Does Abbott share Records with ABBVie?? The interview went very well.


3rd party for references; all they will confirm is the dates you worked, nothing else. BUT, this may be different, and ABBVie may have ABT HR records. Your only hope is to go in as planned, and let them discover it. They may, and you're out, or they may not. If you tell them the. You're out for sure. Look at it this way, you have nor ting to loose.

What are my chances?? In the interview I was asked why I left and just said the new position was a promotion, which is true it was. Does Abbott share Records with ABBVie?? The interview went very well.

If the hiring DM has a brain, all he or she needs to do is call your last DM..... I bet they can find out who that is in about 60 seconds or less....

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