Fire the Inclusion and Diversity Council


Here we are in Chapter 11, tightening our belts and trying to make this business viable and sustainable yet we dump money down this hole. How about we run a business and keep people employed first and then worry about areas of social injustice. Clear indication of why we are where we are....idiotic C-suites folks who clearly can’t manage a business or prioritize so they regurgitate media headlines and ignore business realities. If we want to talk social justice let’s discuss them lining their pockets with retention bonuses while leaving their employees with nothing - maybe that would be a good subject for next communication from this group

the social injustice at MNK is that leadership cherry picked sales people to give some folks a retention bonus until the end of the year. Cats out of the bag F Tards in charge. first disrupt business throughout the nation back in August resulting in mass exodus. now a mass exodus is about to happen again. good luck investors. who will buy this colossal failure. if you didn't get a retention bonus then is brutally poor.

the social injustice at MNK is that leadership cherry picked sales people to give some folks a retention bonus until the end of the year. Cats out of the bag F Tards in charge. first disrupt business throughout the nation back in August resulting in mass exodus. now a mass exodus is about to happen again. good luck investors. who will buy this colossal failure. if you didn't get a retention bonus then is brutally poor.

If you stay there only to get a retention bonus, you are making biggest mistake of your career.

I’m in sales amd know people I’m sales from other divisions. AS of today we have not heard of a reentention bonus.
I assume it’s something being discussed but not yet announced.

DETAILS IF YOU got um. Please