Fire BCG Consultants Instead of Your Real Employees!


Do you realize how many millions of dollars we pay to BCG consultants to tell senior execs to keep laying off employees? Get rid of these overpaid parrots & keep your real employees instead. Or would that ruin your little kickback scheme?


Please, if it weren’t for BCG, you people wouldn’t have any clue what to do.
Right, the arrogant recent graduates with fluffed up resumes and no real experience save flash, management hires you to give them cover for layoffs they don’t want to be accountable for, not for any real business insight...this is the BCG rep in the industry

Right, the arrogant recent graduates with fluffed up resumes and no real experience save flash, management hires you to give them cover for layoffs they don’t want to be accountable for, not for any real business insight...this is the BCG rep in the industry

Ok genius - what MBA school did YOU graduate from? Probably University of Phoenix online. Pharma is known for its ignorance & BCG saves your ass. Get over yourself you uneducated f!

Ok genius - what MBA school did YOU graduate from? Probably University of Phoenix online. Pharma is known for its ignorance & BCG saves your ass. Get over yourself you uneducated f!
I will disclose that I have an MBA, from a very reputable school, but it is largely useless. That you believe an MBA from any school makes you some valuable asset that “saves pharma” is naive and laughable. Spent my entire life in pharma, none of it in sales, and worked for several different major pharma companies. All these companies at one point or another hired BCG, McKinsey or some other overpriced consulting firm that uses seasoned people to sell you services then staffs projects with inexperienced, arrogant young MBAs that are very good at taking what they are told by pharma mgt and converting it into fancy slides. Most of them are glorified admins with useless, overpriced business degrees, hired to be the shield for tough decisions from pharma executives.

I will disclose that I have an MBA, from a very reputable school, but it is largely useless. That you believe an MBA from any school makes you some valuable asset that “saves pharma” is naive and laughable. Spent my entire life in pharma, none of it in sales, and worked for several different major pharma companies. All these companies at one point or another hired BCG, McKinsey or some other overpriced consulting firm that uses seasoned people to sell you services then staffs projects with inexperienced, arrogant young MBAs that are very good at taking what they are told by pharma mgt and converting it into fancy slides. Most of them are glorified admins with useless, overpriced business degrees, hired to be the shield for tough decisions from pharma executives.

Please..... guarantee you barely graduated undergrad let alone went to a reputable bschool. BCG & McKinsey hire only the best & that’s why we’re being brought in ONCE AGAIN to save your sorry asses. The only thing we shield pharma from is their own ignorance.

I will disclose that I have an MBA, from a very reputable school, but it is largely useless. That you believe an MBA from any school makes you some valuable asset that “saves pharma” is naive and laughable. Spent my entire life in pharma, none of it in sales, and worked for several different major pharma companies. All these companies at one point or another hired BCG, McKinsey or some other overpriced consulting firm that uses seasoned people to sell you services then staffs projects with inexperienced, arrogant young MBAs that are very good at taking what they are told by pharma mgt and converting it into fancy slides. Most of them are glorified admins with useless, overpriced business degrees, hired to be the shield for tough decisions from pharma executives.

Please..... guarantee you barely graduated undergrad let alone went to a reputable bschool. BCG & McKinsey hire only the best & that’s why we’re being brought in ONCE AGAIN to save your sorry asses. The only thing we shield pharma from is their own ignorance.
You, both, suck

Please..... guarantee you barely graduated undergrad let alone went to a reputable bschool. BCG & McKinsey hire only the best & that’s why we’re being brought in ONCE AGAIN to save your sorry asses. The only thing we shield pharma from is their own ignorance.
Hire only the best, you really believe that don’t you. Yes I’m sure you saved Merck, no one here with your great education and success....we were praying some 24 yo with an important MBA would come to our rescue!

Bottom line is that by early 2020 - many MANY “smart” people will not be working for Merck anymore, BUT.... I guarantee that BCG will! He who laughs last.... Oh, and you’re welcome for running your business for you - clearly our education trumps your experience!

Tuck. Pffft... please. Just like BCG does when they tuck and run to their hideout in K5. Hey BCG, tell your girls they need a dermatologist & to have their face waxed & that wanna be pretty boy leader of yours that he’d make a much prettier woman & that he needs a better speech therapist. Have a good weekend sending all of your work to India where it REALLY gets done and don’t eat too much junk food on your flights home this weekend!

Let me guess. BCG has sold Merck on their 3-5 point “go to market plan”? As a former BCG employee I used the same exact technique in 2015 with BI and we made millions. You are absolute idiots if you’ve hired this group of ass clowns!

Let me guess. BCG has sold Merck on their 3-5 point “go to market plan”? As a former BCG employee I used the same exact technique in 2015 with BI and we made millions. You are absolute idiots if you’ve hired this group of ass clowns!
Yes, we are idiots and did hire these dolts...They are being used as cover for sr. leadership, they are only creating pretty slides based on direction from sr. management.

Tuck. Pffft... please. Just like BCG does when they tuck and run to their hideout in K5. Hey BCG, tell your girls they need a dermatologist & to have their face waxed & that wanna be pretty boy leader of yours that he’d make a much prettier woman & that he needs a better speech therapist. Have a good weekend sending all of your work to India where it REALLY gets done and don’t eat too much junk food on your flights home this weekend!
Ha, so true, dead on. Complete waste of the company's money.

Yes, we are idiots and did hire these dolts...They are being used as cover for sr. leadership, they are only creating pretty slides based on direction from sr. management.
BCG does not care about senior management. They are usually called in by activist investor(s). Sometimes it's a hedge fund with many shares with the backing of a few other big funds. Something it a letter to the SEC, sometimes not. They are there for one thing, increase the stock price. Short term, they are very good. They recommend to cut everything. Because of the massive cuts the stock will go up short term. The earnings per share go up because they cut people, good people leave because of the crappy culture, and all that is left is a shell of a company. Before the stock crumbles, the activist investors and big funds leave. They will stay if the company can be broken up or a M&A can happen. They are just corporate raiders.

Merck pays BCG tens of millions of dollars. They do this so they can keep the information. In most cases it gets leaked to the activist investors/hedge funds anyway. That's only nature because they force them into the company to begin with.

I have worked with BCG and they are a bunch of idiots with no real world experience. Then again they don't need it. They know why they are there. It's not to grow the company. They are too stupid for that. It's it increase the stock price. Big difference between the two.

BCG does not care about senior management. They are usually called in by activist investor(s). Sometimes it's a hedge fund with many shares with the backing of a few other big funds. Something it a letter to the SEC, sometimes not. They are there for one thing, increase the stock price. Short term, they are very good. They recommend to cut everything. Because of the massive cuts the stock will go up short term. The earnings per share go up because they cut people, good people leave because of the crappy culture, and all that is left is a shell of a company. Before the stock crumbles, the activist investors and big funds leave. They will stay if the company can be broken up or a M&A can happen. They are just corporate raiders.

Merck pays BCG tens of millions of dollars. They do this so they can keep the information. In most cases it gets leaked to the activist investors/hedge funds anyway. That's only nature because they force them into the company to begin with.

I have worked with BCG and they are a bunch of idiots with no real world experience. Then again they don't need it. They know why they are there. It's not to grow the company. They are too stupid for that. It's it increase the stock price. Big difference between the two.

I can see this being the case in many situations, makes sense. However, in this case, Merck stock has been performing quite well, look at our market cap increase over the last few years. I still believe in this case sr. mgt brought these idiots in for cover as the reorganize and reduce headcount as part of Project Fortify. I have seen and interacted with the BCG staff we have brought in, comical actually the complete lack of any real world/industry experience these people have. They are good entertainment for K5, I will give them that.

Is it true that there are over 100 of them working on Fortify and the alleged divestment of all CC product except Januvia? Are 100+ 25 year old, inexperienced children really qualified to handle such an incredibly bold, complex & potentially fatal decision for the continued success of our organization? Unless there are plans to acquire additional companies & products, divesting CC all together could be 1 presidential decision/election away from driving this company into the ground. They all went to prestigious schools, so I’m sure we’ll be A-OK! Really hope that they interview me! Boy would that be a fun experience!