Fire and cut your way to prosperity - riight


This company has basically destroyed its corporate culture by the absurd amount of layoffs. Most people accept layoffs are a possible part of corporate life but you can only swing the ax so much then all the talent starts to leave too and this is what is happening now. What a shame. George Merck is turning over in his grave. The CEO is too worried about stockpiling hugh amounts of capital to buy Phase 1 & 2 drugs instead of developing the drugs themselves. The company appears so afraid of Wall St and bows to them that they'd rather sacrifice their employees and the company long standing culture, than try to mitigate layoffs.
You can't breed a corporate culture of efficient employees and future with everybody feeling zero obligation by the company to keep them employed, which is what they have instilled. Sad. Any person who has taken any business courses, let alone people who have an MBA know exactly how wrong this direction is and how bad it will cost the company in the end.


This company has basically destroyed its corporate culture by the absurd amount of layoffs. Most people accept layoffs are a possible part of corporate life but you can only swing the ax so much then all the talent starts to leave too and this is what is happening now. What a shame. George Merck is turning over in his grave. The CEO is too worried about stockpiling hugh amounts of capital to buy Phase 1 & 2 drugs instead of developing the drugs themselves. The company appears so afraid of Wall St and bows to them that they'd rather sacrifice their employees and the company long standing culture, than try to mitigate layoffs.
You can't breed a corporate culture of efficient employees and future with everybody feeling zero obligation by the company to keep them employed, which is what they have instilled. Sad. Any person who has taken any business courses, let alone people who have an MBA know exactly how wrong this direction is and how bad it will cost the company in the end.

This is why you should do what many are doing: LEAVE!

This company has basically destroyed its corporate culture by the absurd amount of layoffs. Most people accept layoffs are a possible part of corporate life but you can only swing the ax so much then all the talent starts to leave too and this is what is happening now. What a shame. George Merck is turning over in his grave. The CEO is too worried about stockpiling hugh amounts of capital to buy Phase 1 & 2 drugs instead of developing the drugs themselves. The company appears so afraid of Wall St and bows to them that they'd rather sacrifice their employees and the company long standing culture, than try to mitigate layoffs.
You can't breed a corporate culture of efficient employees and future with everybody feeling zero obligation by the company to keep them employed, which is what they have instilled. Sad. Any person who has taken any business courses, let alone people who have an MBA know exactly how wrong this direction is and how bad it will cost the company in the end.

As mismanaged as Merck is (and there is little debate on that fact) many of the jobs that were at on time important and productive have evaporated ( thank you big government, socialized medicine, on and on and on...). The US economy is in chaos and the fact is companies are in the business of making money not stockpiling employees, that applies to even poorly managed ones like Merck. High paying jobs are just a bi-product of success in the market place not the end goal. It may sound cold and unfeeling but that's the truth, so sack up and use your skills to find other more rewarding opportunities else ware. No one said this is going to be easy but lets face it, life in general is a pain in the ass.. is it not?