Fire All Trauma Sales People Now!!


It's bad enough these incompetent numb nuts can't sell our trauma line but it's just flat wrong that some of them, maybe all of them, brazenly sell products on the side like pain creams and compound pharma. After all they are employees and supposed to sell only S&N trauma products. If they want to be 1099's they should quit and reapply. Am I right? I just wonder if they do it with the blessing of their managers or if this is further evidence that the bumbling "keystone cops" haven't a clue…...

smith & nephew has a long history of honest and ethical business. this very site is full of examples of or tho, trauma and extremities leadership making tough calls in the face of adversity and never compromising on ethics, quality or the people who count on these products. the leadership is so great because they know this industry inside and out. that knowledge comes from spending years in the industry and working their way to the top. the current leaders have been here about 4 years and have been in several (ahem, 1) roles.

god, I love this place!