Fire all FRMs


Fire all FRMS in the CV division. They’re so useless and worthless. Many of them just sit at home and do nothing. They get paid over $150k to sit at home and watch tv. Damn, what a lucky role to be in


Sounds like some angry primary care representatives who don’t know how to do their jobs and have a chip on their shoulders because they were over hired for a market that actually requires more FRM responsibility than they can comprehend want to justify their marketing necessity. The fiddler is coming to collect her check. The changes aren’t going to be pretty but don’t attack the individuals who actually understand how to get your medication to your patients. FRMs have a role that’s making your comission. Go back to promoting pills

Sounds like some angry primary care representatives who don’t know how to do their jobs and have a chip on their shoulders because they were over hired for a market that actually requires more FRM responsibility than they can comprehend want to justify their marketing necessity. The fiddler is coming to collect her check. The changes aren’t going to be pretty but don’t attack the individuals who actually understand how to get your medication to your patients. FRMs have a role that’s making your comission. Go back to promoting pills

How necessary are FRM's when few offices buy&bill, like for 10pts since launch? Vast majority of offices simply refer direct to AICs and won't bother w/ START form (another burden). AICs are doing their own BVs as they need to ensure they get paid.

So, how necessary are you in this scenario?

In general, FRMs are not measured on anything worth measuring.

I used to believe that sense of urgency, expert knowledge, and appropriate risk mitigation tactics, were key elements of a high-performing FRM. Unfortunately, with the rise of sales turned "FRM" folks, the field has grown far from this. Why should an FRM prevent or solve a problem quickly when you can generate more activity out of it? Typical metrics have become a combination of sales-esque reach/frequency and # of cases touched. Basically a phone hub support agent tier 2.

Sounds like some angry primary care representatives who don’t know how to do their jobs and have a chip on their shoulders because they were over hired for a market that actually requires more FRM responsibility than they can comprehend want to justify their marketing necessity. The fiddler is coming to collect her check. The changes aren’t going to be pretty but don’t attack the individuals who actually understand how to get your medication to your patients. FRMs have a role that’s making your comission. Go back to promoting pills
Or a primary care rep who has started a bunch of Leqvio accounts with almost zero help from and FRM. Let’s be real here.

How necessary are FRM's when few offices buy&bill, like for 10pts since launch? Vast majority of offices simply refer direct to AICs and won't bother w/ START form (another burden). AICs are doing their own BVs as they need to ensure they get paid.

So, how necessary are you in this scenario?
Except in the many areas of the country without AICs. Some territories don’t have any AICs and do have buy and bill.

Fire all FRMS in the CV division. They’re so useless and worthless. Many of them just sit at home and do nothing. They get paid over $150k to sit at home and watch tv. Damn, what a lucky role to be in

FRM's should be graded by a number of factors as well as survey by the sales teams they support.
Time to Therapy.
Follow up with an account.
Communication with internal stakeholders
Communication with external stakeholders.

If they are managers they should be held accountable as such.

FRM's should be graded by a number of factors as well as survey by the sales teams they support.
Time to Therapy.
Follow up with an account.
Communication with internal stakeholders
Communication with external stakeholders.

If they are managers they should be held accountable as such.

Held accountable? Who is held accountable here for anything besides the sales team? ABL’s can fuck up at every turn with no repercussions regardless of what nonsensical glint surveys say. Senior management here is nothing short of an atrocity on every level. Shit can them all.

In general, FRMs are not measured on anything worth measuring.

I used to believe that sense of urgency, expert knowledge, and appropriate risk mitigation tactics, were key elements of a high-performing FRM. Unfortunately, with the rise of sales turned "FRM" folks, the field has grown far from this. Why should an FRM prevent or solve a problem quickly when you can generate more activity out of it? Typical metrics have become a combination of sales-esque reach/frequency and # of cases touched. Basically a phone hub support agent tier 2.

prevent and solve huh? so you are one of the genentech ones. of course you have time to reply to this bullshit

If not for us FRMs, many of you lazy sales people would have no bonuses. Thank your lucky stars you have us to save your sorry behinds !!!

FRMs are useless, Multiple times I put my FRM in front of key Dr or lead MA and she screwed up the process and made things more complicated than they had to be. It got to the point where I told her not to contact or visit any of my offices because she was doing more harm than good. Patrick and FRM team are not needed.

That’s what happens when you put genetech in charge. The worst employees ever. They may have strong knowledge but fail when it comes to execution. Some of your senior leaders have screwed up accounts they used to manage when at genetech and would never take accountability. Nothing has changed

If not for us FRMs, many of you lazy sales people would have no bonuses. Thank your lucky stars you have us to save your sorry behinds !!!

Ha! My lazy FRM never leaves her house. Zero follow with sales people or offices. She is more focused on getting her next promotion then doing her current job. CA FRM's are a total joke.