
They are not going to close Teterboro. It is just a ploy to get a huge tax break.

Really, then why are some of the instruments running at least 3X their mfg usage without being replaced? They are using 3rd party service contracts because the mfg won't service them anymore. Let me know what you think.. after the 10th when the CEO is there. Even if they get a tax brake everything is going up to Mass. Probably just keep 250 people and invest 20 mil...

Well to start with the guy running the place is as cheap as they come.

But can I tell my docs that their specimens are going to Mass. for testing...don't think that will fly. Competition has local labs that will enjoy hearing this.

Gosh darn it! By "Finally!!!", I thought you meant that HTH had been kicked off this board. Perhaps another day.

Anyway, the "local competition" will have to sit by and watch as the tests do in fact get sent to Mass. You see, any other region, and you would have a point. But this is Mass. Marlboro, to be specific. We are the premiere lab for Quest. And the premiere lab in the world. Come to Marlboro. You could land a jet in our parking lot. We have over 1000 seasoned professionals and a management team that, while graying and slightly hunched over, is certainly able to tell the young workers to start expecting many more tests. Marlboro----got one gear--Go!

Yes excellent idea. And the next time Boston has 8 feet of snow like last winter and 80,000 specimens a night can't get to the lab from NY Metro, the lab of the future will become the lab of the past. What an imbecilic comment.

Yes excellent idea. And the next time Boston has 8 feet of snow like last winter and 80,000 specimens a night can't get to the lab from NY Metro, the lab of the future will become the lab of the past. What an imbecilic comment.

The lab of the future in Marlboro will be ocean front property once global warming takes hold. Quest has made a brilliant investment for 3015, only 1000 more years to go for the payback. Winning!

Gosh darn it! By "Finally!!!", I thought you meant that HTH had been kicked off this board. Perhaps another day.

Anyway, the "local competition" will have to sit by and watch as the tests do in fact get sent to Mass. You see, any other region, and you would have a point. But this is Mass. Marlboro, to be specific. We are the premiere lab for Quest. And the premiere lab in the world. Come to Marlboro. You could land a jet in our parking lot. We have over 1000 seasoned professionals and a management team that, while graying and slightly hunched over, is certainly able to tell the young workers to start expecting many more tests. Marlboro----got one gear--Go!

Hewlett Packard thought the same exact thing when they built your building in Marlboro (and your airport runway parking lot) years ago. They were "winning" too.

Yes excellent idea. And the next time Boston has 8 feet of snow like last winter and 80,000 specimens a night can't get to the lab from NY Metro, the lab of the future will become the lab of the past. What an imbecilic comment.

It appears that as usual no one in state government has done their jobs and examined this closely.

Guess Christie has other things on his agenda.

Where would 80,000 samples come from?

TBR is running 45k a night. Still good, but to do work for free like labcorp, you need to run 100,000 a night with no QA/QC, or maintenance to really get your volume profit drivers.

Yes excellent idea. And the next time Boston has 8 feet of snow like last winter and 80,000 specimens a night can't get to the lab from NY Metro, the lab of the future will become the lab of the past. What an imbecilic comment.

We can absoe ub 2 or 3 diagnostic delays over the winta. No matta where you ahh, you have to contend with acts of naitcha.
I'm getting a bit unnerved by the PATENTLY DISRESPECTFUL comments towards Marlboro. I challenge any of you to come he uh, and see for yourself----------the premi uhh lab of the East Coast.

Teterboro management has its 's panties in a bunch.... The latest is that they are telling line employees that it is all a lie and they are pressuring the state for a tax-break. OK which is worse them leaving or trying to defraud the government. Business as usual.

Teterboro management has its 's panties in a bunch.... The latest is that they are telling line employees that it is all a lie and they are pressuring the state for a tax-break. OK which is worse them leaving or trying to defraud the government. Business as usual.

What is that corporate it integrity or greed??