Finally all the ass-wipes cut from Oncology!


Hater, come on??? Maybe if we had real cancer drugs I would B jealous about Novartis Oncolog otherwise known as Primary Care Reps. Me Jealous, rather sympathetic for Losers who have been milking it for years with no real drugs to sell.....!

Come on hater guy. You obviously never read the yearly reports and P&L statements. The Oncology group has always brought in more than twice the money as apposed to the Gen Meds Group. Double digit growth pays a lot of bills.That money supported Novartis in general, not just Hem/Onc. By the way, even though the Oncology leadership was doing handstands at national meetings when they announced tremendous profits, raises were somewhere south of suckworthy for several years.

In the end, the business unit was grossly overstaffed, we didn't need four reps falling over each other to buy undeserving bottom dwellers (ie. front office staff, admins and anyone else that didn't play a role in getting patients on our drugs) free meals. A minimum $10.00 lunch five days a week adds up to a nice perk! Perhaps without the expense of lunches etc, they could have afforded to keep a few more people around.

For the 55+ with lots of years in, it would have been refreshing to hear that they had an option to retire with a wad of cash or continue on your original plan and retire when you are ready. Heard the packages were not a complete slap in the face. All will need some help finding jobs with the salary and benefits afforded to them by Pharma.

Sounds like you are jealous of the mystique created by some that Hem/Onc is that much better than Gen Meds. Trust me, the only difference is the Docs are making incredible money, but see lots of patients. Calling on these people is more data driven. They don't have much more respect for reps at this level than at yours ( no one told them that Oncology Reps were special) other than we feed their help. Their times are coming though, Big Brother is cutting down on reimbursement for high profit infused drugs. They are hot under the collar because high dollar orals are getting into their pockets.

So relax, all that negative thinking is probably bring you and everyone around you down! Thank your lucky stars that you are safe for now.